Name That Genre
What's the Plot?
Lit Term I.D.
"Do it for Johnny!"
Hodge Podge
This genre is the only genre not referred to as prose. It includes stanzas, doesn't have to rhyme, and doesn't even have to follow complete sentence or punctuation rules.
What is poetry?
This is the high point or turning point in a piece of literature. It is usually the most exciting point of a text's plot and it where the rising action reverses and becomes the falling action.
What is the climax?
In poetry, this is what you call two lines (in a row) that rhyme.
What is a couplet?
In "The Outsiders," Ponyboy Curtis is the protagonist and the literary term that describes who is telling the story.
What is the narrator?
Here is an example of this term that captures realistic and non-standard grammar from "Pink and Say," when Say says, "Lord have mercy, child. You as bad off as I am. I'll tote ya. I can't rightly leave you here."
What is dialect?
This genre is the only genre to be divided into acts and scenes. It is also the only genre specifically designed to be acted out.
What is drama?
There are five types of this necessary plot ingredient: person vs. person, person vs. society, person vs. nature, person vs. self, and person vs. fate.
What is conflict?
This is what you call a brief reference to a historical or literary person, place, object, or event.
What is an allusion?
When the Socs jump Ponyboy, one of them asks "Need a haircut, greaser?" He doesn't really expect an answer in reply. What do you call a question that is asked only for effect or to make a statement, but NOT to get an answer.
What is a rhetorical question?
This is what you call the suggestion or hint of events to come later in a literary work. For example, "Things gotta get better, I figured. They couldn't get worse. I was wrong." [Pony in "The Outsiders"]
What is foreshadowing?
This genre is a story about someone's own life.
What is autobiography?
This part of the plot provides background information on setting, characters, and plot. It is usually found more towards the beginning of a text.
What is the exposition?
This is the literary term for a person or thing that opposes the protagonist or hero/heroine of a story.
What is the antagonist?
There are two parts to this: In "The Outsiders," it is Tulsa, Oklahoma during the 1960s.
What is the setting?
This is a type of literary language that makes an overstatement or exaggeration for the purpose of emphasizing something or for showing humor. For example, "I'm so tired, I could sleep for years."
What is hyperbole?
This genre is a nonfiction article usually found in a newspaper that expresses the writer's opinion on a subject or issue.
What is an editorial?
This is what you call when an author inserts a scene or event that took place in the past in their story for the purpose of making something in the present more clear. You have to be on your toes as a reader because the author is playing with time and the story isn't always chronological.
What is a flashback?
There are five ways to add this to your story or play: (1) showing the character's appearance, (2) displaying the character's actions, (3) revealing the character's thoughts, (4) letting the character speak, and (5) getting the reactions of others.
What is characterization?
Here is an example of this comparative term: "Johnny was scared to death. I mean it. He was as white as a ghost and his eyes were wild-looking, like the eyes of an animal in a trap."
What is a simile?
This is a type of figurative language in which words sound like the things they name: bang, buzz, crackle, sizzle, hiss, murmur and roar.
What is onomatopoeia?
This genre is set during a certain time or place in history that may make use of historical figures as characters.
What is historical fiction?
This is the portion of the plot in a play or story where the problem is solved.
What is resolution?
This is what you call when you replace one word or phrase for another in order to avoid being offensive (for example, saying, "passed away" instead of "died" or "Where is the restroom?" instead of "Where is the toilet?").
What is a euphemism?
In "Nothing Gold Can Stay," Robert Frost uses gold to stand for something larger than itself like power, strength, and perfection. What is the term for something that stands for something larger than itself?
What is symbolism?
This literary term is a staple in Haven Help Us, and it is when a writer imitates an already existing form (song, TV show, film, etc.) for the purpose of humor.
What is parody?