4.3 -4.6

who does the book title refer to

theordore wieland


is washington irving European or American?



who did Phillis Wheatley send a poem to in 1775

George Washington


which nation was Canassatego part of?

*extra point if u know where it is now

Onodaga Nation, whose original homeland was located in central upstate New York.


where does Wieland take place, and why did the author choose there?

Mettingen, Philadelphia, and it was the same place brown and his ancestor lived


what pseudonym did Judith Muarry use?



what was the first poem Phillis Wheatley published about, and around what age?

Teenager, and an elegy for the famous evangelist George Whitefield,


which American figure cited Canassatego, and recognize the hypocrisy of American settlers in church?

Benjamin Franklin


what caused wieland to kill himself, and why?

He finds out the cause of the voice was Carwin, and his faith in his righteousness is gone


what was Apess jail sentence caused by and what was the result

started the “Mashpee Revolt,” but later made Mashpee as an independent Indian district.


what news outlet was Philip Freneau appointed as and why?

National Gazette, which Jefferson established in 1791 to challenge and critique the Federalist Party.


How does Jefferson use Logan's words to justify taking land?

By confirming the Vanishing Indian theory


where did pleyel want Theodore to go and why

he wanted him to go to Saxony, because Pleyel is interested in a girl in Leipzig, and believes that theordore will get a big inheritances


how did Alexander hamilton attack anti federalist in federalist no1

First, he implies that anti-Federalists do not actually want an effective government; and second, he asserts that his opponents are wrong in believing that a strong federal government necessarily tends toward despotism.


how did frenau work differ from wheatleys?

its most frequent subject matter is nature, and this focus on the human relationship with the natural world is the essential characteristic of American Romanticism.


In letters to an American Farmer, which is the most popular and why?

Letter 3; describes the idyllic socioeconomic situation of the American colonies.


what was the causes of the voices heard and what was the reason for them? *use specific wording that the quote had*


-because Clara seemed so brave

-deceive Pleyel because he seems smug

-think it would be “sweet and triumph” to make Pleyel think Clara was unfaithful.


what did walkers (david walker) text provide an ideal example of, and explain it?

-where was it is most frequently used, name came from, and what

Jeremiad; Taking its name from the prophet, Jeremiah, who is sometimes called “the weeping prophet,” the jeremiad offers an extended lamentation and rebuke. We find it most frequently used in sermons,


how does phillis wheatley use slavery as a metaphor and why?

the political condition of the American colonies; the comparison allows her to draw attention to the “American Paradox”: the essential contradiction between the political rhetoric of the American Revolutionary period and the incorporation of slavery into the political and economic fabric of the early United States.


Multi part

Who wrote Letters of an American Farmer, what did it offer, and what did the letters describe

J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur (1735–1813) was a French immigrant to North America whose book, Letters from an American Farmer, offered one of the earliest expressions of American Exceptionalism. The book is constructed as an imagined set of letters written by a fictional Pennsylvanian farmer, named James, to a British nobleman.
