The Cay
The Christmas Carol
Story Elements
Figurative Language
An deserted island located in the Devil's mouth.
What is the setting
The protagonist of Stargirl
Who is Leo Borlock
The plot of A Christmas Carol
What is Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by three spirits to show him his past present and future. They are trying to change him to become a better man before it is too late.
The message/moral of an entire story
What is theme
In school I was a yellow balloon, smiling and lazy, floating above the classrooms.
What is a metaphor
The overall theme of The Cay
What is overcoming prejudice
complying with rules, standards, or laws
What does it mean to conform?
the problem and solution of A Christmas Carol
What is Scrooge is a mean, selfish, horrible person and he is going to rot in the afterlife if he doesn't change. The solution is that he is visited by three spirits and they make him realize he wants to change and be a better person.
Three types of point of view (with definitions)
What is first person(told by a character in the story) third person (told by a narrator, someone not in the story) second person (universal You, directions/instructions)
The Earth is speaking to us
What is personification
The story is told by Phillip. (Tell the Point of View)
What is first person point of view
All of the types of conflict in Stargirl
What is man vs society and man vs self
The impact A Christmas Carol had on Christmas
What is Christmas being viewed as a time of giving and helping others.
The highest point of action in a story
What is climax
They went right through us as if they were gamma rays
What is simile
The three types of conflict in The Cay
What is man vs man, man vs self, man vs nature
This is what happened when Stargirl tried to change who she was in order to make Leo happy.
What is Mica High students still ignoring and shunning Stargirl. They still treated her poorly even though she was trying to be like them. She decided to be true to herself.
A Christmas Carol is told by a narrator (tell the point of view)
What is third person point of view
All of the events leading up to the climax
What is rising action
They (words) seemed not to enter through my ears but to settle on my skin there to burrow like tiny eggs awaiting the rain of my maturity, when they would hatch and I at last would understand.
What is personification
1 similarity between The Cay and another book
answer much express the title of the book and explain how they are similar
1 similarity between Stargirl and The Cay
Both books are about children trying to survive but in different ways. Leo is trying to survive high school and fit in while Phillip is literally trying to survive on an island. Both books are about overcoming your prejudices and accepting people for who they are.
Five lessons learned in A Christmas Carol
What is Money isn't everything Family is important Be kind to others Share what you have Give to others Don't be selfish People are more important than money Christmas is about love rather than gifts and money You get what you deserve Your past makes you who you are It's never too late to change You can always make things right You have the power to improve people's lives
Hero of the story and villain of the story (give an example from one of the books we have read)
What is protagonist and antagonist
She was bendable light
What is a metaphor