Context Clues
Main Idea
Text Structures
Wild Card
When your plan brings us great wealth, you will be rewarded for your sagacity. Sagacity means...A-Good looks//B-Mistakes//C-Intelligence//D-Appetite
What is C-Intelligence
Fire officials say that a hotter, drier climate is one reason for the longer wildfire season. Earth’s average temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century. Although that might not seem like much, scientists say this small change is having a big impact. They say warmer temperatures have led to more frequent and more severe droughts. A drought is a long period of little or no rain or snow. Droughts create natural fuel for wildfires—dried branches, grass, and leaves. What sentence states the main idea of this paragraph?
What is "Fire officials say that a hotter, drier climate is one reason for the longer wildfire season."
Name 3 different types of text structures
What is Cause and Effect//Problem and Solution//Chronological//Compare and Contrast
This man dropped out of college and went on to become one of the most successful figures of the 20th century
Who is Steve Jobs
These gases cause global warming
What are greenhouse gases
There is a legal battle raging and the judges are concerned that time is running out. Lawyers are being asked to expedite the matter by getting their paperwork in early. Expedite means...A-Quicken//B-Agree upon//C-Sue//D-discuss
What is A-Quicken
One the most popular musical instruments is the piano. In the traditional musical instrument classification system of string, woodwind, percussion and brass, the piano falls into two categories. It is considered a string instrument because the sound comes from the strings inside the piano. It is also considered a percussion instrument, since the player strikes the keyboard, which signals an internal hammer to strike the strings. Main Idea: A- A piano is both a string and percussion instrument.//B-The piano is a string instrument.//C-The piano is a popular instrument.//D-The strings of a piano make the sound.
What is A- A piano is both a string and percussion instrument.
Name the text structure based on the signal words: "as a result"
What is Cause and Effect
This man inspired Martin Luther King Jr. with his teaching of non-violence
Who is Gandhi
These are mini-titles that tell what each section of text will be about
What are subheadings
We walked slowly down the trail with great trepidation. No one who had gone this way had ever been heard from again. Had they simply found a better place to settle on this dark planet? We doubted that. Trepidation means...A-Movement//B-Worry//C-Enjoyment//D-Laughter
What is B-Worry
There are gender differences in adolescents' satisfaction with their bodies. Compared with boys, girls are usually less happy with their bodies and have more negative body images. Also, as puberty proceeds, girls often become even more dissatisfied with their bodies. This is probably because their body fat increases. In contrast, boys become more satisfied as they move through puberty, probably because their muscle mass increases. Which sentence states the main idea?
What is "There are gender differences in adolescents' satisfaction with their bodies."
Name the text structure based on the signal words: "finally"
What is Chronological
This man famously claimed "The purpose of our to...bring about the freedom of [people of African descent] by any means necessary."
Who is Malcolm X
That same simplicity has marked his time as Pope. Instead of living in the papal palace, Bergoglio makes his home in a more modest Vatican apartment. And while past popes traveled in fancy cars, Pope Francis drives around Vatican City in a small, nearly 30-year-old vehicle given to him by a local priest. In his teachings, Pope Francis has spoken out against income inequality and urged followers to fight against poverty. He has stirred excitement among followers and brought new energy to the church. The author's purpose for writing this is to - A-persuade//B-entertain//C-bore//D-inform
What is D-inform
Michael is an ardent supporter of his presidential candidate. That became obvious to me when I found out how much time he’s donated to the campaign. Perhaps Michael knows what he’s doing. Ardent means...A-Old//B-Intelligent//C-Foolish//D-Very strong
What is D-Very strong
But bullying is a larger and more complicated problem than that. One-third of all U.S. children — an estimated 13 million students nationwide — are targeted each year, according to the White House. Those students are “more likely to have challenges in school, to abuse drugs and alcohol, and to have health and mental health issues.” In some cases, victims have committed suicide. Come up with a main idea in your own words(2 key parts)
Your answer should include...something about bullying being a large problem, and the effects of bullying on students.
Name the text structure based on the signal words: "much like"
What is Compare and Contrast
This man advised a group of middleschoolers on how to construct their "Life's Blueprint"
Who is Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcolm X disagrees with Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. on one key issue. What is it?
What is the use of violence/weapons/guns
Your uncle wouldn’t even part with a dime to help the kids pay for their trip. That’s just one more example of his penurious ways. In contrast, many people who have much less money have donated a great deal to the cause. Penurious means...A-Old//B-Wealthy//C-Funny//D-Stingy
What is D-Stingy
Obama in recent weeks has been receiving negative reviews due to his health care program. The highly promoted website where people could sign up for coverage didn't work. It embarrassed the president, and Obama had to backtrack from his promise that people could keep their plans if they wanted. Come up with your own main idea sentence(3 parts)
Your main idea should include...Obama's negative reviews//website//promise to keep plans
Name the text structure based on the signal words: "due to"
What is Cause and Effect
Who said it: "New Orleans could have remained a symbol of destruction and decay; of a storm that came and the inadequate response that followed...But that’s not what happened...Instead this city has become a symbol of resilience and of community and of the fundamental responsibility that we have to one another."
Who is Barack Obama
Define: imperialism
What is: "when one country colonizes another and makes it part of the colonizing country"