Buried Onions: Chapter 6
Literary Devices
Gary Soto Facts
Buried Onions: The Whole Book
Mr. Reyes Facts
The branch of the military that Eddie is in the recruiting office for.
What is the navy?
Utilizing "like" or "as", this device compares two similar objects.
What is a simile?
The nationality of Gary Soto, also the nationality of the main character of Buried Onions.
What is Mexican, Mexican-American?
This is the name of the cousin of Eddie who was killed preceding the events of the book.
Who is Jesus?
One of the oldest show hobbies in American history, this hobby of mine is currently made famous by performers like David Blaine and Penn and Teller.
What is magic?
This is the crime that Eddie is accused of at the end of Chapter 6.
What is beating an old man at a Laundromat?
Utilizing words that sound like the actual noise they make, this device is quite "buzz worthy."
What is onomatopoeia?
This is the name of the poem by Gary Soto that we interacted with in our poetry unit several weeks ago.
What is "How Things Work?"
In Chapter 5, this character dies and it is assumed that she is also incinerated after her death.
Who is Queenie?
A graduate of this college in 2013.
What is San Diego State?
This is the soda that is mentioned twice in the chapter, once by Coach, and again by Mr. Stiles.
What is Dr. Pepper?
A play on words usually based on the similarity of sounds between two words with different meanings.
What is a pun?
Born April 12, 1952, this number represents the current age of Gary Soto.
What is 64?
The year the book was published, also, 3 years before the infamous "Y2K" scare.
What is 1997?
This is the name of the game that Mr. Reyes plays with the class on occasion when there are a few minutes left for down time.
What is Story Cubes?
In the middle of the chapter, Eddie puts on a shirt with this on the front, also, the mascot for Fresno State.
What is a bulldog?
A detail or passage that gives the reader a hint about upcoming events.
What is foreshadow?
Soto was inspired to write poetry during this decade, the height of the Disco era.
What is the 70s?
This is the cereal that is eaten by Eddie in the beginning of Chapter 3, a box that often depicts famous athletes on the cover.
What is Wheaties?
This is the decade that Mr. Reyes grew up, the same decade that Boyz II Men and Disney and Nickelodeon gained prominence.
What is the 90s?
This is the flavor of potato chip the recruiter was eating, a hit in states like Texas and Kansas.
What is Barbecue?
a figure of speech in which two contradictory terms or ideas are combined to create one, new thing, expression, or idea.
What is oxymoron?
This tragic event occurred when Gary was 5 years old, helping to shape some of the focus of his writing.
What is the death of his father?
This is the caliber of pistol that is passed around by multiple characters with the intention of being used to avenge Jesus' death.
What is a .22 pistol?
One of Mr. Reyes' previous teaching locations. This high school is located in the Del Cerro area, a short drive from the Mission Trails Regional Park.
What is Patrick Henry?