fiction and non-fiction
literature in general

What is poetry

Poetry is a gener of literature that use imaginative and often rhythmic language to express an idea,evokevemotions,or tell a story.It is often used to convey complex amotion and ideas in an accessivle and creative way


What is Fiction

Fiction in literature is any story or novel that is created from the author's imagination,as opposed to being based on facts or real events.


What is literature

 Liteature is a board term use to refer to writtenworks,such as books,magazines,short stories,play,andpoems.Literature can provide insight into the human esperience and can be used as a way to explore ideas,express emotions,and tell stories.


what are the three types of poetry

is Narrative,Lyric and Dramatic


What is non-fiction

Non-fiction in literature is a gener which encompasses essays,biographies,memoirs,and other written works that are based on facts and real events.


Why is important the literature

Literature helps to develop language and comunication skills.Reading and understanding literature helps to build vocabulary,encourage imagination,and helps to develop critical thinking


What is narrative poetry.

Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells a story.It usually follows a plot withcharacters,a setting,and a climax.


What is novel

A novel is a work of long prose fiction.which is usially centred around characters,events and setting.Novel usually have multiple chapters,with a large plot and focus on character development.


What is prose 

prose iis a form of literature than uses ardinary languages and has natural flow of speech.It is distinguished from poetry.which uses a formal meter and rhyme.


What is Lyric poetry.

Lyric poetry is a typ of poetru that express personal emotions or thoughts.It often includes rhyme and meter and can be sung as a song.


What is short story

A short story is a work of fiction that is usually shorter in lenghth than a novel.Short stories often have less development characters and setting than longer works,but can still explore comlex themes.


What is history

History is the study of past events,particularly human activity and its impact on people and socirties.It is a term that relates to past events as well as interpretation of information about these events.


What is Dramatic poetry.

Dramatic poetry is a type of poetry that is meant to be performed in a play or theatrical setting.It often includes elements of dialogue,monologue,and charaterization.


What is legend

 A legend is a traditional story than that has been passed down through generations and is typically based on historical events.Legends often include elements of mythology and folklore.


What is magic tale

A magic tale is a story told in verse,usually composed of stanzas or lines of poetry.Metric tales are an ancient form of storytelling,often used in traditional folklore,fables,and myths.
