Lamb to the Slaughter
A Vendetta
Freya's Unusual Wedding
Short stories

When is the story set?

In the 1950s.


Explain what a vendetta is.

It is a blood feud - the murdered person's family swears to get revenge on the murderer.


What is the name of Thor's hammer?



What is the introduction to a short story also called?

The exposition.


What does an onion represent in 'Valentine'?

It is the speaker's view of love - it is like a moon, it can make you cry, its scent sticks to you.


Why does Mary Maloney kill her husband?

He tells her he wants to leave her and in shock, she hits him over the head.


Identify the conflict in the story.

Widow Saverini promises to avenge her son's death but there are no male relatives and she is old.


What is the dilemma at the beginning of the story?

Thor's hammer has been taken and they need to get it back because it is one of the treasures of the gods and very powerful.


Define the term 'plot twist'.

A plot twist is when the story takes an unexpected turn, often towards the end of the story.


How does the speaker in 'The Red Sweater' feel about his mother?

He is appreciative of all her hard work for him and everything she sacrificed so he could have enough.


Account for Mary Maloney going out to the grocer.

She needs an alibi for the murder and she needs vegetables to cook the murder weapon.


Why does Widow Saverini need to carry out a vendetta?

Her son was murdered by Nicolas Ravolati.

Explain the irony in Thor asking Loki for help.

Thor would usually suspect that Loki is the culprit, so you wouldn't expect him to go to Loki for help. 


What is the high point of a short story also known as?

The climax.


Explain the following image from 'The Red Sweater': "she pushes eat order under ninety seconds, slaps the refried beans she mashed during prep time"

It is describing how hard the speaker's mother is working in the fast food kitchen. It is fast-paced with no break - she is constantly busy.

Provide on example of dramatic irony from the story.

The policemen eat the murder weapon unknowingly.

The murderer is in the house, right in front of them.


How does Widow Saverini carry out the vendetta?

She trains up the dog Semillante so that the dog learns to attack someone's throat. Initially the dog is starved and when finally released, there is a scarecrow with sausage around its neck that the dog devours. The dog then learns to do this on command. 

What solution does Heimdall give to the problem? Why is this a good solution?

He suggests that Thor dress up as Freya and go to the Land of the Giants to get his hammer back. This is a good idea because once Thor has his hammer, he is unstoppable and will be able to get away. 


Give a brief character sketch of Freya.

She is beautiful, with golden hair. She has two cats and is the owner of the necklace of the Brisings, which was made for her by the dwarfs. She has a cloak that lets her fly. She has a temper and is furious when Thor suggests she marry Thrym.


Explain the irony in "hear the golden voice of a miner's praise".

A golden voice usually implies beautiful and although the singing of miners is melodic, the more sinister meaning is that their lungs are being affected by the gold dust, giving them raspy voices.


Why is 'Lamb to the Slaughter' a suitable title?

Lamb to the Slaughter refers to someone innocent or who is caught unawares like Patrick Maloney. He is not expecting to be killed. It is also a play on words as the murder weapon is a leg of lamb.


How does the setting contribute to the mood of the story?

The town of Bonifacio is on cliffs overlooking a dangerous sea, filled with rocks. It is bleak and forbidding, adding to the dark, tense mood.


Give one example of humour from the story.

Thor almost gives himself away when he eats so much at the wedding feast.

A sense of poetic justice that Thor has to dress like Freya, when he expected her to be willing to marry Thrym.


What does the word 'treacherously' imply?

It implies betrayal and danger.


What tone is conveyed by the line "We shall celebrate"?

The tone is optimistic and determined. At some point in the future, there will be a celebration. 'Celebrate' conveys something positive and hopeful.
