Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4-5
Unit 6

"How … interesting," she said with a forced smile, looking at her in reproof.

Define reproof based upon the context clues given in the sentence. 







And that more wondrous was, in either jaw
Three ranks of iron teeth arranged were,
In which yet trickling blood, and gobbets raw
Of late devoured bodies did appear,
That sight thereof bred cold congealed fear:
Which to increase, and all at once to kill,
A cloud of smothering smoke and sulphur seare,
Out of his stinking gorge forth steamed still,
That all the air about with smoke and stench did fill.

Which option defines the word congealed as it is used in the passage?







By the same computation, they provided me with sheets, blankets, and coverlets, tolerable enough for one who had been so long inured to hardships.

Based on the context provided by this sentence, which sentence correctly uses the word inured?

Our PE teacher inured running into our daily routine to increase endurance; he felt that a consistent routine would be most beneficial for his students.

My brother continually inured me in the hope that I would accept his proposition; he didn’t understand that begging wouldn’t change my mind.

During my first few months as a new employee, I inured myself to the president of the company in order to gain additional favor.

After several unsuccessful confrontations with her supervisor, Sandra became inured to his harsh treatment in order to keep her job.

After several unsuccessful confrontations with her supervisor, Sandra became inured to his harsh treatment in order to keep her job.


Alice stood looking after it, almost ready to cry with vexation at having lost her dear little fellow-traveller so suddenly.

What option accurately defines the noun vexation as it is used in the excerpt?

a state of reduced circumstances

a state of aggravation

a state of extreme anger

a state of joy

a state of aggravation


That was only the beginning of disaster: Now the real tragedy began. Nitric oxides rained from the air, turning the sea to acid. Clouds of soot from incinerated forests darkened the sky, hiding the sun for months. Worldwide, the temperature dropped precipitously, killing off most of the plants and animals that had survived the initial cataclysm.

Which option is the accurate synonym for cataclysm as it is used in the excerpt?







The third day Christ arose from out the grave,
For three nights having suffered death for us,
He, Lord of angels, he in whom alone
Is hope of overcoming. Far and wide
The tidings spread, like perfume fresh and sweet,
Through all the world.

Which response most accurately infers the meaning of this passage?

Christ’s power exceeds the power of death. 

Christ’s fame conflicts with his divine power. 

Christ’s fame increases his divine power. 

Christ’s power is equal to the power of death.

Christ’s power exceeds the power of death.


So down he fell, as a huge rocky clift,
Whose false foundation waves have washed away,
With dreadful poyse is from the mainland rift,
And rolling down, great Neptune doth dismay;
So down he fell, and like a heaped mountain lay.

Which option most clearly describes how a student could infer the archaic meaning of false from context clues in the surrounding text?

The student could infer that since the dragon fell, false means “unreliable and weak.”

The student could infer that since the dragon went into the water, false means “oceanic.”

The student could infer that since false means the opposite of true, the Redcrosse knight discovered that there had never been a foundation.

The student could infer that since false means “fake,” the Redcrosse knight had destroyed the foundation as a trap.

The student could infer that since the dragon fell, false means “unreliable and weak.”


Which option most accurately explains how the conflict Gulliver faces develops through the plot of Gulliver’s Travels? 

Gulliver works to gain his freedom by keeping several important possessions so he can later barter for his freedom.

Gulliver works to gain his freedom by helping the Lilliputians’ army so they are indebted to him.

Gulliver works to gain his freedom by convincing the Lilliputians not to fear him and simultaneously gaining their trust.

Gulliver works to gain his freedom by emphasizing the size and power difference between the Lilliputians and himself.

Gulliver works to gain his freedom by convincing the Lilliputians not to fear him and simultaneously gaining their trust.


Which passage from Through the Looking Glass most accurately depicts the use of understatement? 

At the next peg, the Queen turned again, and this time she said, “Speak in French when you can’t think of the English for a thing. …”

“O Tiger-lily,” said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, “I wish you could talk!”

“We can talk,” said the Tiger-lily.

Everyone seemed satisfied with this, though Alice felt a little nervous at the idea of trains jumping at all.

Of course the first thing to do was to make a grand survey of the country she was going to travel

Everyone seemed satisfied with this, though Alice felt a little nervous at the idea of trains jumping at all.


What option correctly analyzes the symbolic meaning of the title “The Hammer of God”?

The hammer, representing the asteroid, symbolizes an instrument of destruction used by God to punish humankind.

The hammer, representing the asteroid, symbolizes an instrument of justice used by God to ensure charity among people.

The hammer, representing space travel, symbolizes a construction instrument used by God to help humankind build new worlds.

The hammer, representing space travel, symbolizes a precision instrument used by God to force humankind to respect the cultures of other planets

The hammer, representing the asteroid, symbolizes an instrument of destruction used by God to punish humankind.


Fair is he, full bright
And wonderful of hue. The holy scribes
Tell us how Joseph’s many-colored coat,
Gleaming with varying dyes of every shade,
Brilliant, resplendent, dazzled all men’s eyes
That looked upon it. So the panther’s hues
Shine altogether lovely, marvelous,
While each fair color in its beauty glows
Ever more rare and charming than the rest.

Which response most accurately identifies a literary device used in the reference to “Joseph’s many-colored coat”?







Which quote from The Faerie Queene most clearly demonstrates how the author uses Una’s actions to develop her as a kind and grateful character? 

From whence she might behold that battle’s proof,
And eke be safe from danger far descried. …

So pure and innocent, as that same lamb,
She was in life and every virtuous lore. …

All night she watched, nor once a-down would lay
Her dainty limbs in her sad dreariment,
But praying still did wake, and waking did lament.

Then God she praised, and thanked her faithful knight,
That had achieved so great a conquest by his might.

Then God she praised, and thanked her faithful knight,

That had achieved so great a conquest by his might.


Read the excerpt from Gulliver’s Travels, which lists two of the conditions that Gulliver must agree to before the Lilliputians grant him freedom.

“1st, The man-mountain shall not depart from our dominions, without our license under our great seal.

“2d, He shall not presume to come into our metropolis, without our express order; at which time, the inhabitants shall have two hours warning to keep within doors.”

Which option most accurately explains how these conditions contribute to the tone of the narrative?

The conditions are written in a morose manner, contributing to the hopeless tone.

The conditions are written in an aggressive manner, contributing to the threatening tone.

The conditions are written in a charitable manner, contributing to the merciful tone.

The conditions are written in a serious manner, contributing to the self-important tone.

The conditions are written in a serious manner, contributing to the self-important tone.


Much of the humor in “Strychnine in the Soup” stems from the author’s use of implied meanings.

Which option most accurately identifies an example of sarcasm?

the description of Lady Bassett as “a broad-minded woman”

Cyril’s comment that he wouldn’t be likely to “move in the same social circles as charging rhinoceri”

the description of Amelia Bassett as “the girl whom he was to love”

Lady Bassett’s comment that Lester would be likely to “insert a stout stick between its jaws”

Cyril’s comment that he wouldn’t be likely to “move in the same social circles as charging rhinoceri”


What statements accurately identify a theme of “The Hammer of God”? 

As long as there are humans, there will be evil in the world.

Immortality is not possible without space travel or religion.

Advanced technology is not a cure-all for humankind’s problems.

Any belief taken to an extreme loses its value.

As long as there are humans, there will be evil in the world. 

Advanced technology is not a cure-all for humankind’s problems.


Fair is he, full bright
And wonderful of hue. The holy scribes
Tell us how Joseph’s many-colored coat,
Gleaming with varying dyes of every shade,
Brilliant, resplendent, dazzled all men’s eyes
That looked upon it.

Which options most effectively explain the implied meaning behind this description of Christ?

Christ wears impressive clothing to dazzle his followers.

Christ wears colorful clothing to encourage diversity. 

Christ radiates a powerful and overwhelming presence that is alluringly deceptive.

Christ radiates a unique and magnificent presence that is unparalleled.

Christ radiates a unique and magnificent presence that is unparalleled.


First, women generally do little, who are the half of mankind; and if some few women are diligent, their husbands are idle: then consider the great company of idle priests, and of those that are called religious men; add to these all rich men, chiefly those that have estates in land, who are called noblemen and gentlemen, together with their retainers, made up of idle persons, that are kept more for show than use; add to these all those strong and lusty beggars that go about pretending some disease in excuse for their begging; and upon the whole account you will find that the number of those by whose labors mankind is supplied is much less than you perhaps imagined.

What option most effectively depicts the literary device used in this excerpt?







In Gulliver’s Travels, as the Lilliputians gather and catalog Gulliver’s belongings, they invite him to demonstrate how his pistol works. When Gulliver discharges it, everyone cowers in fear. What does this demonstrate about the relationship between Gulliver and the Lilliputians? 

Gulliver continually acts with an air of bravado to fool the Lilliputians.

The Lilliputians are justified in their treatment of Gulliver.

Gulliver behaves recklessly when interacting with the Lilliputians.

Despite the Lilliputians’ perceived control of Gulliver, he could easily kill all of them.

Despite the Lilliputians’ perceived control of Gulliver, he could easily kill all of them.


Which option most accurately identifies an example of humor that lends itself to the satirical tone of the text?

“Oh, rather,” said Cyril. “We talked about rhinoceri and pythons and her daughter Amelia and alligators and all that sort of thing, and then I came away.”

It was perhaps an hour later that Cyril, who had been walking on the terrace in deep thought, repaired once more to the Blue Room in quest of information.

And that book, Cyril saw with intense surprise and resentment, was none other than Horatio Slingsby’s Strychnine in the Soup.

“It is impossible,” she said at length. “He is incapable of such an act. Lester Mapledurham is a man who once killed a lion with a sardine opener.”

“It is impossible,” she said at length. “He is incapable of such an act. Lester Mapledurham is a man who once killed a lion with a sardine opener.”


Which response most completely explains how the author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy develops the character of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz in the story?

The author blends a historical summary into the exposition of the story so that the reader will understand the entire evolutionary history of the Vogons’ cruelty before meeting Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.

The author reveals details about Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz’s troubled past in long conversations between Ford and Arthur in the galley cabin.

The author introduces a flashback into the exposition of the story so that the reader sees how Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz abuses the Dentrassi galley workers.

The author foreshadows Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz’s announcement to the ship by implying that he allowed the hitchhikers to board the ship on purpose

The author blends a historical summary into the exposition of the story so that the reader will understand the entire evolutionary history of the Vogons’ cruelty before meeting Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.


Such is the way
Of demons, devils’ wiles: to hide their power,
And stealthily inveigle heedless men,
Inciting them against all worthy deeds,
And luring them to seek for help and comfort
From unsuspected foes, until at last
They choose a dwelling with the faithless one.

Which response most accurately describes how Satan baits his victims, based on this evidence?

Satan deceives his victims by tricking them into blindly believing his lies and following in his path.

Satan charms his victims by convincing them that the only thing worth living for is getting what they want, anytime.

Satan deceives his victims by promising to vanquish their enemies and provide limitless protection.

Satan charms his victims by persuading them that his kingdom is wealthier than the kingdom of heaven. 

Satan deceives his victims by promising to vanquish their enemies and provide limitless protection.


Which quotation from The Tempest most clearly shows how Shakespeare uses the conflict of the shipwreck to introduce Miranda’s kind nature? 

Heavens thank you for’t! And now, I pray you, sir,
For still ’tis beating in my mind, your reason
For raising this sea-storm?

O, I have suffer’d
With those that I saw suffer! a brave vessel,
Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her,
Dash’d all to pieces.

O the heavens!
What foul play had we that we came from thence?
Or blessed was’t we did?

You have often
Begun to tell me what I am; but stopp’d,
And left me to a bootless inquisition,
Concluding “Stay: not yet.”

O, I have suffer’d
With those that I saw suffer! a brave vessel,
Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her,
Dash’d all to pieces.


Which option most accurately describes how Gulliver regards the emperor and his people? 

Gulliver appreciates their military skills and aims to learn from them. 

Gulliver respects them, though he knows that he is more powerful.

Gulliver is skeptical of the promises they make and waits for fulfillment.

Gulliver is perturbed by their actions, as he sees them as disrespectful. 

Gulliver respects them, though he knows that he is more powerful.


The two twin souls gazed into each other’s eyes. There is no surer foundation for a beautiful friendship than a mutual taste in literature.

Which option most accurately identifies the author’s perspective on relationships based on the excerpt’s sarcasm?

The author admires people who follow their gut reactions.

The author respects people who balance their appreciation of a person’s physical qualities with the individual’s personality.

The author objects to people who rely on others to find fulfillment in their lives.

The author is amused that people can base an entire relationship on trivial and insufficient qualities

The author is amused that people can base an entire relationship on trivial and insufficient qualities.


Which responses accurately explain why the author of High Fidelity introduces the setting of the record shop and the main characters of Rob and Barry by showing them arguing over the song “Walking on Sunshine”? 

The dialogue demonstrates how tense and unhappy Rob is.

The dialogue reveals why Laura was unable to stay with Rob.

The dialogue introduces Barry as a dramatic foil or contrast to Rob.

The dialogue shows how immature Rob’s companions are.

The dialogue demonstrates how tense and unhappy Rob is.

The dialogue introduces Barry as a dramatic foil or contrast to Rob.

The dialogue shows how immature Rob’s companions are.
