background and setting
Sth about story
what is first person narration?
when a character tells the story in the first person'I'
What is rounded character?
The character who has more than one feature.
1.What do background and setting most be foucused on?
a.Where and when the novel or stories are set. b.What kind of society is depicted? c.How many settings or societies are there in the story. d.Affect e.Is the setting a background for the action, or does it assume greater importance in the structure of the novel as a whole?
What is chronological?
It means following the order of events as they actually happen.
what kind of narrator it is in Meteor
third person narrator frist person unreliable narrator
Name three of the stories we have read which were of first person unreliable narration? (at least 3 in 3 mintunes)
-yellow wall paper -signalman -meteor -
why would the characterisation of the woman in the yellow wall paper be considered powerful?
--dynamic and rounded character --stream of consciousness --first person narration
2.what effect does the background in the story”the yellow wall paper” have on the woman.
the woman who was always under the control of her husband cannot have priority compared with man.
There are some kinds of non-chronological arrangements.what are they?
Begin with the ending and begin with the middle of a story.
why did the writer choose lemon orchard as a setting ?
-lemon represents bitter and sour which reflects the character's feeling
why would writers add in some observation for readers that goes further than narrators' viewpopint in stories of first person narration? (any plausible answer will be accpetable)
to overcome the disadvantage of the single viewpoint of first person narration
why would Ravi be considered as a dynamic character?
-changes in his trails resulted from the thing he encountered
3.give an example of stories we have learned which were more focused on the element of ” concrete creation”?
The signal man, to da-duh in memorian
In Meteor, why the writer uses non-chronological arrangement and begin the article with the middle of the story?
Leave suspense to readers,make them have more interests on countinuing reading.
why would meteor be considered 'twist in tail'
-sudden ending -radical change in the expected direction
what is the differences between direct speech and indirect speech?
-enclosed in quotation marks -reported without quotation marks
What kind of character could be considered as a caricature?
The character whose main features are simplified and exaggerated .
4.give an example of stories we have learned which have significant element of ”stream of conciousness”?
The yellow wall paper, the aliens part in “meteor”
What’s the twist in INTERLOPER?
In INTERLOPER,two men were found by wolves instead of their people, which is out of readers’ expectation.Two men were the interloper with each other at the beginning,they are also the interlopers to the forest.
what kinds of gaps were there between da-duh and 'i' (at least three)
-affection -generation -cultural
why would the author use mixed narration in meteor?
-to make the story more engaging -to constract the value and personality of onns and human -to make the pace of the story more compact -offering different views
Can the caricature be ignored in a novel?Why?
No. Because it may be vital to a novel or expression the writer's main concerns of the novel or make a contrast to one of the main character
500 is a part of paragraph in “the signalman” 'When he heard a voice thus calling to him, he was standing at the door of his box,with a flag in his hand,furled round its short pole.One would have thought,considering the nature of the ground,that he could not have doubted from what quarter the voice came;but instead of looking up to where I stood on the top of the steep…………'(the second paragraph) Change it into the form that focus on signalman’s stream of consciousness.(any plausible answers will be accpeted)
Oh !someone call me!where?where is he?oh,I can’t find ,that’s ok,maybe I mishearing.let me look at the line to check if there will be a train.
in which articles we’ve read have a slow pace?why the writers use a slow pace?
The lemon orchard.Games at Twilight.Journey. Readers can know more about the thoughts of the main character.Also,using a slow pace can also emphasize the theme in a better way.
"She took off the elastic band and put it to one side with the useful things and began dealing the envelopes into the fire. She opened one and read quickly through it, then threw it on top of the burning pile " There's a symbol in this paragraph from"SECRETS".What is it?
The burning of the letters had a symbolic act, as if, along with aunt Mary, died her secret.