Literary Focus
Pro Athlete's Salaries 1
Athlete Salaries 2
Kennedy Speech
What is a counterargument?
It anticipates what 'the other side' might say and answers possible objections with reasons and evidence. (p.410)
What is the historical argument for high athlete salaries.
Brevity of their careers.
What is the author's feeling towards entertainment.
He feels it is needed but not nearly as important as teachers, police officers, doctors.
What were the differences between the Lewis and Clark expedition and Mars exploration.
L&C journey was to a safe place - Mars unknown. L&C were sure to discover things of value - Mars unknown. L&C expedition was inexpensive - Mars is very expensive ($600 billion )
What type of speech does Kennedy give.
Policy Speech - recommends guidelines, rules or a plan of action to address and issue.
Describe the characteristics of a Myth, Legend and Epic Tale
Myth - Explains how something connected with humans or nature came to be. Reveals consequences of good and bad behavior. Features gods or other beings with supernatural powers. (p. 258) Legend - About a hero who may have unusual powers. Focus on a hero's struggle to defeat a powerful force. Highlights positive way of behaving. (278) Epic- Hero with superhuman strength, courage, loyalty. Encounters with strange creatures in strange lands. Hero is tested by tasks or battle. (272)
Why does the author believe salaries should be high.
Because it is what the owners are willing to pay. Owners know that in order to make money, they must pay for good players. This leads to success, which leads to money from TV and attendance.
What is the author's view on athlete salaries
He feels they are paid far too much for simply playing games.
What would the government have to cut in order to finance the mission.
They would have to cut health care, education or other important programs. Even raise taxes
Where does Kennedy give his speech ?
In San Antonio - Home of the pioneers in the air. Sidney brooks was born there, Claire Chennault and Charles Lindberg flew there
What are some techniques used in speeches to convince the audience and to persuade them into following an argument.
- Sound Devices - Repeated words, alliteration - To evoke strong feelings - Appealing to the desire to belong
What is a stereotype the author makes about athletes.
That they are selfish
What are some stereotypes the author mentions
That athletes have no way of relating to the general public. They have a sense of entitlement.
What does the author mention is a successful form of space exploration.
He mentions the automated probes and telescopes and believes it works well
What analogies does JFK give?
Analogy (comparison between things that are alike in some but not in all ways) - Compares exhaust gases to pollution in large cities , astronaut's monitors to monitors for heart patients.
What are the elements in an argument?
- Claim - Main idea - Support - Facts, examples, stats. - Counterargument.
According to the author, why is playing the game itself not enough compensation.
Because it is not fair. Athletes deserve a salary
Who does the author blame for the high salary of athletes.
He believes society is to blame as they value entertainment over other necessities.
What does the author believe is a priority
He believes that taking care of ourselves first is the priority.
What will be the benefit from space medical research?
JFK believes that it will make our lives healthier and happier, for everyone.
What is an expository text?
It is a to inform or describe what a story or book is about in order for the reader to better understand.
What does the author say smart owners do.
The smart owners pay the best salaries as it gives them the best opportunity to earn money. They also are focused on the future.
What is an example of entitlement the author mentions,
Kenny Anderson complaining about not being able to afford insurance on 8 cars.
When does the author believe that travel to Mars is acceptable.
He believes that once we have solved our own problems or we have advanced our technology it might make sense.
Why does JFK believe USA should lead space exploration.
Because he believes such a rich and powerful countries has the responsibilities and burdens.