Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

Define antagonist

What is the character works against someone’s goal and creates the main conflict? 


Define setting. 

What is the place, time, weather and social conditions?


Define protagonist 

What is the the main character that drives the story forward by pursuing a goal?


Define denotation

What is the dictionary definition of a word.


Define imagery

What the use of vivid description that appeals to a readers’ senses to create an image or idea in their head?


Define plot twist

What is an unsuspected turn of events in the story that completely changes the direction or outcome of the plot from the direction it was likely to go? 


Define mood

What is the emotional atmosphere within the story produced by the author's use of language; evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions?


Define point of view

What is the standpoint or perspective from which an author chooses to tell a story.


Define connotation

What is the associations, feelings, or emotions that a word has?


This is the name of the author who wrote the Goosebumps stories.

Who is R.L. Stine?


Amy's goal in Night of the Living Dummy II is to do what? 

What is find a talent so she can become closer and feel accepted by her family?


Jane is the best at finding deals on gifts this holiday season. I go to her when I want to be stingy/frugal. 

What is frugal? 

The movies Rocky and Independence Day have this mood in common. 

What is inspirational? 


Name three setting options R.L. Stine used for his stories. 

What are neighborhoods, in the woods/camping trip, or in a boarding school. 


Slappy is a ventriloquist dummy that comes to life and terrorizes Amy, the protagonist in Night of the Living Dummy II. The plot twist of this story is ___.  

What is when Dennis is alive and fights Slappy to defeat him, not Amy's brother Jed? 


Identify the correct point of view: I saw the 'Closed' sign dangling from the shop window, but I could hear someone moving inside. I stood on tiptoes to look through the glass and saw a pair of eyes staring back at me. 

What is first person point of view?


Identify the correct word based on the connotation: 

Lisa was really assertive/aggressive today when she clapped, smiled, and excitedly told her coworkers about her idea for the holiday work party. 

What is assertive?


Identify the correct point of view: Jessica stopped three steps from the chair and gave the queen a slight bow. She was so nervous to be in front of the queen. 

Paul wasn't nervous though; he gave the short bow too and smiled.  

What is third person omniscient?


Identify the correct point of view: Ian watched as his father sat solemnly on his horse, long brown hair stirring in the wind. He did not seem like the man who would sit before the fire in the evening and talk softly of heroes.

Where had his father gone, thought Ian.

What is third person limited? 


True or false: third person narrators are characters in the story. 



Amy brings Slappy the dummy to life by _______. 

What is reading a spell off of a piece of paper found in Slappy's pocket. 


Identify the correct word based on the connotation:

The company was accused of using devious/sincere ways to get the contracts. 

What is devious?

Explain the negative connotation associated with the word "chick" when used to describe an grown adult female. 

Chicks are young, helpless, small, fragile baby birds, implying a grown woman/female are these things as well. 


Explain the positive connotation associated with the term chef as opposed to using a cook. 

A chef implies the person is in charge of a kitchen, has a vast knowledge of cooking techniques and recipes, and commands respect from those working below him. 


Explain the difference between third person omniscient and third person limited. 

Omniscient = narrator is all knowing. 

Limited = narrator only knows one character's thoughts and feelings. 
