God Sees the Truth, but Waits
Explorer of the Stars
The Finger of God
The Rat Trap
You've Got To Learn
What was Ivan Aksionov wrongly convicted of doing?
Murdering a merchant.
How did Galileo come upon the idea for his telescope?
Some men were talking about a rumor from Holland about a magnifying glass that an optician invented.
Who is Strickland?
A man who stole money from his firm and was planning an escape.
What did the peddler steal?
30 kronor.
What killed the dog?
An otter.
What were the circumstances leading up to Ivan's imprisonment?
Trek to the fair. Stopped at a merchant friend's inn. Left early the next morning and was arrested by a Russian policeman.
What did Galileo believe about the universe?
Everything orbits around the sun.
Who was going to to turn Strickland in to the police?
Benson, the butler.
What holiday season did the peddler spend with the iron master and why?
Christmas. The ironmaster thought he was an old friend.
Why was the dog special to Andy?
His brother Joe had given the dog to Andy to care for until Joe returned from the military.
How was Ivan's experience foreshadowed in the beginning of the story?
The night before Ivan left, his wife had a dream about the evils he would encounter on his trip.
What method did Galileo use to prove his theories?
The scientific method of observation.
Who was Alfred Stevens?
Stevens and Strickland were the same person. He had changed his name to make a new start. Stevens stole in the past.
Contrast the life of the ironmaster with that of the peddler.
The ironmaster was educated, honest, wealthy, and stable. The peddler was uneducated, dishonest, poor, and unstable.
Why did the otter kill the dog?
The otter killed the dog to defend its young otter pup.
Who is Makar and why did he decide to tell the truth?
He felt guilty for framing Ivan because Ivan did not tell the authorities who had dug the tunnel.
Why was Galileo put on trial?
His findings were contrary to the Roman Catholic Church. They believed that the earth was the center of the universe.
What does the title of the story mean?
Strickland says not even the finger of God could stop him from stealing the money. At the end of the story, we lern that the girl was the finger of God sent to talk to Strickland out of his plan
How does this story depict a rat trap?
The peddler took the bait, the money, and then he was trapped by guilt. Miss Edla's compassion released him from his trap and made him return the money. He was just like a rat who had been caught after he took the bait.
Was Andy's father wise in letting him go after the otter and in keeping silent?
Yes, Andy's father was wise because he wanted Andy to learn on his own that the otter was only defending its young. He wanted Andy to deal with his feelings of revenge.
What is the moral of the story?
Forgiveness. Ivan knew God would forgive Makar; therefore he needed to forgive him as well.
What did the church force Galileo to do, and did he do it?
Galileo recants because was afraid for his life. He was also old, ill, and tired of being away from home. He could no longer teach that the earth moved.
Why does the girl seem more like a symbol than a real character?
She reminded him of a past life by using his old name, and she reminded him of his present dealings with the people he worked with (honest man). She made him evaluate his life and she acts as his conscience. She also represents all the people who have confidence in Strickland.
How is the world a rat trap for Christians?
The devil is always looking for way to ensnare and trap the Christian.
What is the conflict in this story? How is it resolved?
Man vs. self---Andy deals with his desire for revenge. Man vs. nature---Learns to track the otter and discover its habits and then realizes the otter was only protecting its young.