What is my current full time job position? Exact name
Child and Youth Advocate/Counsellor
Favourite Disney show?
Wizards of Waverly Place
Favourite anime growing up? BONUS points if you can name second fave
Inuyasha, second fave is Naruto
I injured myself falling down the stairs LOL
false, but you would think its true. I've successfully fell down the stairs multiple times without inuring myself
What was my first ever job and where?
Cashier at A&W STC
What is my favourite fast food place to buy coffee?
What book series did I read growing up? (there are 3 main ones)
Hunger Games, Geronimo Stilton, Divergent
Fave Disney movie, BONUS points if you guess second favourite
Tangled. 2nd fave is Aladdin
I have my own office at work
False, I share with Riya and Food and Nutrition Worker
Current fave type of cuisine to eat?
Middle Eastern food
Current fave form of caffeine?
What is the name of my first elementary school?
What are my top 3 fave Disney princesses?
I tried out for volleyball in elementary school
True, and the ball hit me right in the face
If I were to get a dog, what breed would I want? (purebreed)
What is a word in my vocabulary that I can't stop saying but would love to?
What classes did I go to as a kid? (There's 3)
Swimming, Badminton, Art
What's my favourite type of cake? flavour and brand
McCaines chocolate cake
I played imagination/ pretend games with my friends at school until grade 6
True LOL
Where do I really want to travel at least once in my life?
Sri Lanka
What degree did I recently graduate with? exact name
Master of Social Work, specialization in Human Service Management and Leadership
What was I most scared of as a kid?
What is my favourite food to have for takeout? Something I always crave and be down to eat
Korean rice cakes
My friend once thought I was possessed at school because I laughed so hard I dropped a chair down the stairs
True, we had just finished saying bloody Mary in the bathroom LOL
What's Lithusha and Jonathan's anniversary date?
Feb 21