A collection of Features and Functionality that grants access to Users
What is a License?
A group of questions used to qualify a potential Client
What is an Intake Questionnaire?
Used to identify the Matter Plan assigned to a Matter.
What is a Case Type?
Sends text messages to Clients
SMS Application / SMS 360 / SMS Magic
Predefined Email Message that is used to communicate with a Client
What is an Email Template?
Grants Users access to Objects and Fields
What is a Profile?
Toll used to create / modify Intake qualification questions
What is the Questionnaire Builder?
Collection of Stages and Tasks on a Matter
What is a Matter Plan?
Allows "Click To Dial" and auto opening of Client Party record
What is CTI / Phone Integration?
Creates actions based on another action and criteria.
What is Workflow or Process Builder?
Grants Users specific pinpoint access to functionality, objects or fields
What is a Permission Set
Platform to share Intakes with other Law Firms
What is the Litify Referral Network?
Users assigned to work on a Matter.
What is the Matter Team?
Application that can easily add Emails to a Matter.
What is Litify Inbox?
Presents aggregated information to a User
What is a Dashboard?
Restricts access by location
What is a Profile?
List of Parties identified on an Intake.
What are Roles?
Group of ad hoc tasks that can be added to a Matter.
What is a Task Set?
Creates documents from a template and stores them with a relationship to a record in Litify
What is Docrio?
Presents information that can be summarized and charted
What is a Report?
Restricts access by time of day
What is a Profile
Presents a list of outbound calls to users.
What is a DICE calling queue?
Predefined group of Users that can be automatically added to a Matter
What is a Default Matter Team?
Send a document to a Client for Signature
What is
Adobe Sign
Hello Sign
Used to store data needed by the firm that is not a natively provided by Litify
What is a Custom Object or Custom Field?