The Polynesian islands
The Aboriginals orignially came from...?
The islands of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
I en lineær funksjon viser stigningstallet... mens konstantleddet viser...
..hvor mye grafen stiger når x øker med 1
..viser hvor grafen skjærer andreaksen
Theocracy, a religious government form.
Hvilken nasjonaldag var det 6.Februar?
Samenes dag
When the Europeans came they brought with them diseseases, in particular one killed many..
Lag en brøkfunksjon som beskriver situasjonen:
På en hvalsafari må hver person betale 450 kr. I tillegg skal leiekostnadene på 4800 kr for båten deles på x antall personer.
P(x) = 4800/x + 450
The largest ethnic group in the middle east is?
Hva heter det nye, ikke offisielle, departementet som Elon Musk leder i USA?
DOGE - Department of Government efficiency
Give 3 examples of what a "Haka" is or was used for.
Protesting, traditional ceremonies, to show unity and strenght, to scare or intimidate your opponents.
The Aboriginals lived in migratory tribes and survived by being...?
Et funksjonsuttrykk som inneholder et ledd med x2 blir kalt en ......
The empire in control of the majority of the middle east around 1900AD was called?
Bonus! If you can tell me of at least two other empires that have controlled the majority of the middle east you get 2x points! (4x points if you somehow can mention five!)
Ottoman/Osmanske Empire
Other empires include but are not limited to:
Roman Empire
Byzantine empire
Achaemenid Empire
Umayyad Caliphate
Macedonian empire of Alexander the great
Hvem er Norges nye finansminister?
Jens Stoltenberg
What is a "waka"?
A Polynesian canoe that they used to explore the pacific with.
Integrated means to include a minority or group of people into equal participation in society.
Assimilated means to MAKE someone become a part of a group or culture, or to absorb them.
Et funksjonsuttrykk som er skrevet som en brøk med x i nevneren kalles en brøkfunksjon eller en ...
omvendt proporsjonal funksjon
The only "Island nation" located in the Middle east is..?
Bahrain, Cyprus counts as Europe!
I hvilken Svensk by var det nettopp en masseskyting?
If you are in Wop-wops, where are you?
In the middle of nowhere!
"The stolen generations" referes to what?
Young Aboriginal children who were removed from their families in order to be raised "white" by the Australian authorities.
En figur er sammensatt av et kvadrat med sidelengde 2x og et rektangel med areal 10.
Lag et funksjonsuttrykk A(x) som beskriver arealet A av figuren.
A(x) = 4x2+ 10
A central country in the Middle East is Iraq, what 6 countries do Iraq border?
Turkey AND Syria to the north, Iran to the east, Jordan to the west, Saudi arabia to the south west and Kuwait to the south.
Hvilket direktiv fikk Senterpartiet til å gå ut av regjering med Arbeiderpartiet? Noe åpent svar:)
Strømdirektivet - ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators -EU's fjerde engerimarkedspakke