At what temperature do we call parents
When and where are chemicals supposed to be stored?
In locked cabinet at all times, and not above wipes or Kleenex.
After how many years do you get holiday pay/pto
1 year
When do you start cleaning your room for end of day?
as soon as they wake up from nap up until 30 minutes before leaving your shift.
When can children be put in timeout and for how long?
2 years old and 1 minute per age
2yr 2 mins
3yr 3 mins
When should gloves be worn
When dealing with food
changing diapers/ wiping bums
wiping noses/ faces
Dealing with open wounds/ blood
Where are toy buckets supposed to be?
On the shelves AT ALL TIME
What are at least 7 main dress code violations
facial piercings
not wearing proper Uniform
hair wraps
dangling Jewlery
non solid color leggings
overwear that is not daycare logo
What are the ratios
infant 5:1
ones 7:1
Two 10:1
Three 13:1
Four 15:1
five 19:1
six and up 23:1
How long do you have to report an accident report to office personal?
Bonus How long does office personal have to call the parents(200)
10-15 Mins
When are you supposed to wash your hands?
upon arrival
before and after meals
dealing with bodily fluids/ changing diapers
leaving at the end of the day
When are you supposed to clean your classroom?
After each meal, nap time, and before your shift ends
What do you do to request for time off?
Fill out a request time off form. Must be 2 weeks in advance for 1 day off and 1 month in advance for more than two days
Where should you check a childs temperature
Only in the middle of their forehead
How long are children supposed to get outside time a day?
at least 60 minutes
What are four of the many things that we exclude children from care?
Diarrhea( 3 or more loose contained/ 2 outside the diaper)
Undiagnosed generalized rash
Fever over 100
sudden onset vomiting
What are your opening classroom duties?
Get classwork for the day
Get all cleaning supplies
make sure everything is clean and in order for the day
Where and when can you sit in a classroom/ outside
when you are doing classwork/artwork at the table with kids
playing in centers with them/outside on playground
you should also not be sitting in a chair / standing doing nothing while kids are playing around you
all day
How often should you change a child's diaper
every 2 hours unless soiled sooner.
Steps to signing a child in/out
Write the time they come in
write the parents name in print and what time they leave
write your name in print
When should you clean your toys?
During nap/ at the end of day
What are the 5 centers you are supposed to have in each class?
reading/quiet area
dramatic play
table toys
When telling a parent about a child's day what method should you use?
Sandwich/ Oreo
Wear is our evacuation location?
How do you PROPERLY fill out daily observations?
BONUS: what do you do when you see something a parent didn't tell you about?
check the child as they come in and ask parents if they have any bumps, bruises, cuts, or scrapes. Write on the observation where the marks are and explanation the parent gives.
You ask office personnel to contact the parent to find out what happened.