Center Policies
Personnel Policies

How often should name-to-face be conducted?

When a new teacher takes over a class and before and/or after big transitions such as bathroom breaks, being outside, emergency drills, etc.


True or False
As long as you are interacting with the children, it is okay to sit on the children's furniture.



True or False
Per our dress code policy, sweatpants are allowed.



How should you handle a child that is misbehaving?



True or False
If a child puts a toy in their mouth, you should place it in the dirty dishes bin to be washed in the kitchen. 

FALSE! Every room should have a "dirty toys" bin to place toys that have been mouthed. During nap time or at the end of the day, all items should be sanitized by the teacher. 


True or False
Babies can start sleeping with a blanket at 9 months old.

False! Children are not allowed to sleep with blankets or other soft items until they are 1 year old. 


What is the breakfast cut-off time?



What is our cell phone policy?

Cell phones may only be used during nap time and breaks.

Laptops and iPads are provided for updating Procare, working on the curriculum, etc. 


What all needs to be logged in Procare?

1. Meals
2. Diaper changes/toileting (2 years and under) and accidents for all ages
3. Naps
4. Daily activities
5. Photos at least twice a week


How often do staff need to wash their hands?

When handling food, before and after assisting with toileting and diapering, after wiping bodily secretions from a child with a disposable tissue, and after exposure to blood or bodily fluids.


How often do intake forms and diaper cream forms need to be updated?

Intake Forms = Every 3 months

Diaper Cream Forms = Every 6 months


What 3 items are you required to have in your first aid kit?

1. Thermometer
2. Band-aids
3. Gloves


How long after being employed do you receive vacation time?

1 year = 40 hours of vacation time!


What should all be posted on the parent info board?

1. Classroom Schedule
2. Menus
3. Lesson Plans
4. Welcome Letter (optional)


How often should your garbage can be cleaned?

Garbage cans should be cleaned as needed with the minimum being one time per week.


Why are babies not allowed to sleep in bouncers?

Babies shouldn't sleep in a bouncer because it's not a flat, firm surface, and the inclined position can pose a risk of positional asphyxiation.


A child has had 3 loose bowel movements. How do you handle this situation?

A. Message the parents
B. Notify the office
C. Wait until there is another and/or other symptoms

B. Notify the office


Which is correct:

a. Staff should get settled and have personal items put away before clocking in.

b. To avoid being late, staff should clock in first and then put away personal items.

c. Call in to work.

The answer is... a.


How far in advance do lesson plans need to be completed? 

When do new lesson plans need to be posted? 

1 week in advance

Friday before the upcoming week


What is the proper way to clean classroom toys? 

Smaller toys should be submerged in a bleach water solution for 1 minute and wiped dry after.
Larger items should be sprayed with Virex - which should be left on the surface for 1 minute and wiped dry after.


At what age are children allowed to go to the bathroom without supervision?

7 years of age and older


A child was climbing on a shelf and fell. Their forehead is now bleeding. Their mom works in the classroom next to yours.

How do you handle this situation?

1. Assess the situation
2. Provide the care that is needed immediately
3. Notify the office
4. Fill out an ouch report and document the incident in the Medical Log book.


What is the proper procedure for calling in to work?

CALL the center within 30 minutes after opening.

The opener must contact management no later than 8 PM the night before.


List 5 items teachers must have prepared before a child's first day in their classroom.

1. Cubby
2. Diaper Bin
3. Assigned Cot/Crib
5. Assigned sleeping spot
6. Food Storage (Infants only)
7. Birthday Board
8. Welcome letter/School supply list hung by cubby


How often should tables be cleaned and what is the proper cleaning procedure? 

Before and after every meal and after any activity that may have left a mess behind (art, coloring, sensory, etc.)

1. Spray soap water
2. Dry with paper towel
3. Spray Virex
4. Leave on the surface for 1 minute then dry with paper towel
