Who worked for 14 years to marry the woman he loved in the bible?
What are the two service times offered on Sundays at Stonebrook?
8:45 AM and 10:30 AM
What is the “greatest” of faith, hope, and love according to 1 Corinthians 13:13?
On which day of the week does The Little Family typically meet?
What is the first book of the New Testament?
Which Moabite widow showed love by staying with her mother-in-law?
Which Book and Chapter did Stonebrook preach last Sunday's service?
Mark 11
Which commandment did Jesus say is the greatest?
Love your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
List three activities that are commonly part of The Little Family's Friday meetings.
Bible Study, prayer, fellowship, singing songs, birthdays, etc.
Who was swallowed by a great fish after running away from God’s command?
What book of the Bible is a romantic poem between a bride and groom?
Songs of Solomon
Name all six pastors at Stonebrook
Luke Anderson, Mike Anderson, Brad Barrett, Matt Heerema, John Shields, Dave Bovenmyer
What does 1 John 4:8 say about God?
God is love.
List four countries in Africa where LF members come from.
Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt
Who was the high priest of Israel when Samuel was a child?
Who was King David’s first wife, who helped him escape Saul?
Name the wife of each pastor at Stonebrook
Nancy Heerema, Holly Anderson, Julia Shields, Annette Barrett, Dawn Bovenmyer, Judy Anderson
According to Proverbs 10:12, what covers all sins?
Name seven kids at LF.
David, Karden, Esther, Caleb, Mason, Grace, Jason, Sammy, Lewis, Anthony, Bella, Charlotte, Meryl, Praire, Willa
What was the name of the man who took Jesus’ body and placed it in his own tomb?
Who said, "Where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay"?
What year was Brad ordained as a pastor at Stonebrook?
A. 1991; B. 1993; C. 1995; D. 1997
List one Greek word the Bible uses to describe love.
Agape, eros, philia, and storge
List five one-another commands on the LF mission sheet
Love, forgive, compassionate, show affection, encourage, pray, accept one another etc
Which psalm is the longest (the most number of verses)?
Psalm 119