The independent protagonist who wants to be a writer.
Who is Jo March?
This March sister cuts off and sells her hair to help support the family.
The author of Little Women.
Who is Louisa May Alcott?
The novel is set in this Massachusetts town during the Civil War.
What is Concord?
This theme is central to the March sisters’ growth in the novel.
What is personal growth?
The youngest sister who matures from vanity to thoughtfulness
Who is Amy March?
Beth contracts this illness from the Hummel family.
What is scarlet fever?
Louisa May Alcott was born in this U.S. state
What is Pennsylvania?
The March family’s home is a symbol of this in the novel.
What is love and safety?
The strong bond between the March sisters illustrates this theme.
What is sisterhood?
The eldest March sister, who dreams of wealth but values family.
Who is Meg March?
The novel begins during this war.
What is the American Civil War?
Alcott’s father, Bronson Alcott, was involved in this social movement
What is transcendentalism?
The Civil War affects the March family in this way
What is financial struggle?
This theme is explored through the romantic and familial relationships in the novel.
What is love?
The gentle, selfless sister who loves music and family.
Who is Beth March?
Jo moves to this city to become a writer
What is New York?
Alcott based the character of Jo on this real-life person.
Who is herself?
The March sisters' home is located in this region of the United States.
What is New England?
he March sisters must balance their desires with these societal expectation
What are social expectations?
This character grows from playful to more serious, especially in his love life.
Who is Laurie?
Amy ends up marrying this character
Who is Laurie?
Alcott faced this type of societal pressure, reflected in Jo's character.
What is financial insecurity?
The quiet, isolated setting of Little Women contributes to these types of themes.
What are personal growth and family bonds?
The March sisters frequently show this theme through selflessness for family.
What is sacrifice?