Jesus rose from the dead on this Feast Day.
What is the Easter Sunday?
What is the First Commandment.
I am the Lord you God, You shall not have strange gods before me.
Name 5 Sacraments
Baptism, Communion, Confession, Confirmation, Anointing the sick, Holy Orders, Matrimony
This color is used to symbolize light, purity, and joy. It is associated with the Easter season.
What is white?
The bishop of Rome; the successor of the apostle Peter.
Who is the Pope?
When does Ascension of the Lord occur
What feast occurs 40 days after Easter?
Who brought forth the commandments
Name 5 Gifts that come with receiving sacraments
Wisdom, Courage, Wonder and Awe, Good Judgement, Knowledge, Understanding, Reverence (Gift of piety)
This is the color worn by the priests during the Advent season.
What is violet (purple)?
What is the difference between corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
Corporal- of the flesh/body.
Spiritual - of the spirt/soul.
What is celebrated on Pentecost and when is it celebrated.
The coming of the holy spirit.
50 Days after Easter.
What were the commandments written on and where were they first produced.
Tablets of Stone
Mt Sinai
What do we receive during confirmation
What oil are we annointed with
Who complete the annointing
The Holy Spirit
The Bishop says 'Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit ' and lays their hands on you.
This color worn by the Cardinals in the Catholic church and is associated with Palm Sunday.
What is red?
What does the precepts of the Catholic Church refer to.
What is expected of Catholics
Who does the solemnity celebrate and on what day is it celebrated.
Mary, other of Jesus.
January 1st.
Name 4 other commandments
Do not take the name of the lord in vain, keep holy the sabbath, honor your father and mother, you shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, you shall not covet your neighbors wife, you shall not covet your neighbors goods.
Name the 4 parts of the Mass
Introductory Rite
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Concluding Rite
What is meant by the real presence of Jesus and what is the word used to describe it in the catholic faith.
The presence fo Jesus real body in the bread and wine.
Name Five Othe Feast Days not including those mentioned (Pentecost, Solemnity, Easter, Ascension) in the liturgical calendar.
Immaculate Conception, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Assumption of Mary, All Saints Day
How did Jesus sum up all commandments
Do unto others as they would do unto you and love your neighbor as yourself.
Name 5 Spiritual Works of Mercy
Counsel the doubtful, Teach the ignorant, Help the sinner, Comfort the sorrowful, Forgive injuries, Bear all wrongs patiently, pray for the living and the dead.
Name 5 corporal works of Mercy
Feed the Hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, give clothes to those who have none, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, bury the dead.
Name 5 Precepts of the Catholic Church.
Attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, Go to confession once a year, Receive Holy Communion during Easter, Observe laws of fasting and abstinence, obey the marriage laws of the church, support the church