What is the color of this season?
What does is celebrate?
Jesus' birth
When does it begin?
Ash Wednesday
How many days is it?
What was the color of Fr. Sean's robe?
White with some hints of gold
What are the readings about?
Jesus' life
What are the colors and what to they represent?
Gold+ White for celebratory reasons
What does the word Lent mean?
When does this season begin?
The evening of Holy Thursday
When does Christmas end?
Sunday on the Baptism of the Lord
True or False: Ordinary time is the longest season of the Church
Who was Elizabeth's baby?
John the Baptist
How many days is it with and without Sundays?
40, 46
What are the 3 days?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday
Who is getting baptized on Sunday? (1/12)
GG, August, Frank
What does it celebrate?
The life of Jesus and hope
Why did Joseph want to divorce Mary secretly?
Because he was a righteous man and if people find out that they were getting a divorce, Mary would have been stoned.
What does the purple stand for?
What happened on the three days?
HT - Last supper, institution of the Eucharist
GF - Jesus died
HS - Jesus is in the tomb
Who was the deacon? (his name)
Deacon Pitula
Where does it fall in the liturgical calendar? (Ex like Advent is the first season, etc)
After Christmas and before Ash Wednesday, and After Pentecost
Why was Jesus born where the animals were and not in a motel/hotel?
Because there was no room in those places, so he had to be born in a manger
Why can't we eat meat on Fridays in this season?
Since it was considered a luxury and Jesus died on a Friday
When does the season end?
Night of Holy Saturday
What do the three kings represent?
All the nations coming to adore Christ and the 3 gifts given