What is the color of the season?
Who was born on Christmas?
What is the color of Lent?
How long is Triduum?
Three days
What did the three kings represent?
The culture and race of every region in the world.
It occurs
What are the colors of Christmas?
Gold and white
Lent stands for...
What are the three days celebrated during Triduum?
Holy/Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday
What was the mass decorated in? ( Flower )
Its the " " season of the church
How long is the Christmas season?
12 days
It lasts...
46 days
It begins on the evening of the Holy Thursday
True or false: During mass, did we skip the homily?
The color represents two things, what is it?
When does the Christmas Season end?
Baptism of the Lord
It is the most " " time of the church.
What color is Triduum? What does it represent
Red. It represents the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit
True or false: There is a second reading during school mass. If so, what is it about?
It celebrates
The life of Jesus. ( Jesus' preachings )
What does Jesus' name mean?
2 Parts:
What are we preparing for? What does "Lent" mean?
Jesus' death.
It means "Spring"
Triduum is the institution of...
The Eucharist
What are the 4 parts of the mass?
Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rites.