How many readings are there?
What does the deacon mean when he says "let us attend"?
Pay attention
What does the Censer and the charcoal inside symbolize?
They symbolize St. Mary carrying Jesus in her womb.
What sacrament do we receive during divine liturgy?
What is the Coptic word for holy?
Do we read from the Old Testament during the liturgy of the faithful?
What is a summary of our faith that we say during the liturgy of the faithful?
(What / Who) does Abouna represent when he holds the orban and the cross over his head during the procession of the lamb?
Simon the Elder
What two sacraments a believer must receive before being able to receive communion?
How many "Lambs" are offered at the during the Offering of the Lamb?
Any odd number but not less than 3.
Which of the readings is not from the Bible?
What is an expression of love to one another that we practice during the liturgy of the faithful?
The prayer of reconciliation
What does the Pauline Circuit around the altar and church signify?
Spread of gospel and St. Paul's missionary journey.
What sacrament should we partake of approximately once every month to prepare ourselves for communion?
Repentance & Confession
"He who ____ My Flesh and __________in Me, and I_______" Reference?
What does the word "Catholic" refer to when we talk about the catholic epistle?
Who is the first saint mentioned in the commemoration of the saints?
Saint Mary
What does rising incense signify?
Prayers being lifted up
Where does Jesus speak about His body being true food and His Blood True drink, for eternal life?
What is John Ch. 6
What is the Coptic word for mother of God?
What does liturgy mean?
Work of the people
When does the bread become The Body?
When the priest says "And this He makes into His Holy Body"
What does the priest crossing his arms while picking the sacrifice symbolize?
Jacob blessing Ephraim instead of Manasseh
Name three churches we can we take communion at.
Ethiopian, Coptic, Armenian, Syrian, Indian and Eritrean Churches.
The Holy Liturgy can be divided into many different parts, what is considered THE beginning?
Matins is the beginning of the Holy Liturgy.