Environmental Health
Mental Health
Preventive Healthcare

What is the biggest environmental health risk?

What is air and water pollution?


The set of behaviors by which you live is your _______.

A. Heredity     C. Life skills

B. Lifestyle      D. Environment

B. What is Lifestyle?


Your ______ is based on balanced physical, emotional, social, and mental well-being.

A. Wellness             C. Heredity

B. Health                D. Hygiene

A. What is Wellness?


What is a cause of stress?

Answers may vary:

What is..

School/work, family, friends, peer pressure, finances, your partner, your children, politics, the news, teacher work days, late pick ups, death in the family,  etc..


Taking care of yourself before you have an accident or get an illness is _____________.

A. Hygiene                C. Life skills

B. Preventive healthcare      D. Heredity

B. What is Preventive healthcare?


All the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) things around you make up your __________.

A. Heredity          C. Attitude

B. Environment     D. Lifestyle

B. What is the Environment?


Which of the following is NOT one of the four parts of your health?

A. Physical          C. Financial

B. Emotional       D. Social

C. What is Financial?


How many hours of sleep is recommended each night?

A. 5                   C. 7

B  6                   D. 8

D. What is 8?


Which of the following is NOT a mental health disorder?

A. Depression        C. Dementia

B. Phobias             D. Asthma

D. What is Asthma?


How many servings of fruits and vegetables each day can reduce the risk of developing cancer?

A. 3                   C. 5

B. 4                   D. 6

C. What is 5?


What is the poison control hotline number?

What is 1-800-222-1222


Where is the Fitness and Wellness Center located for Fairfax County Employees?

What is Fairfax County Government Center?


True or False. Your environment cannot affect your health.

What is True?


This is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act.

What is Depression?


What is the best example of Preventive Care?

Answer may vary.

What is...

Annual Check-ups


Flu Shots

Certain tests and screenings


Name 5 environmental health risks.

what is... 

1. chemical pollution

2. air pollution

3. climate change

4. disease causing microbes

5. lack of access to health care

6. poor infrastructure

7. poor water quality



True or False, being healthy is about achieving a certain set weight.

What is false?


What are 3 of the 8 dimensions of wellness?

What is.. 1. Emotional wellness

              2. Spiritual wellness

              3. social wellness

              4. Environment wellness

              5. occupational wellness

              6. financial wellness

              7. intellectual wellness

              8. physical wellness


Half of all mental illness occurs before the age of? 

10     12     14     18

What is before 14 years old?


What are the first 2 levels of Preventive Care?

What are...

1.Primary Prevention—intervening before health effects occur, through.

2.Secondary Prevention—screening to identify diseases in the earliest.


 Environmental hazards that result from where we live, our jobs, or our lifestyle choices are called this....

What is social hazards?


Which is one of the 9 life skills that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

A. Setting Goals       C. Being a wise consumer

B. Coping                D. All of the above

D. What is All of the above?


Name 3 techniques that can be used to manage your stress level in the work place.

Answers may vary. 

What is...

joke/laugh, make each other happy, get some coffee, avoid Conflict, be comfortable, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy foods, take a break, relaxation techniques, avoid multitasking, listen to music, establish boundaries, take time to recharge, go for a walk, talk with your supervisor, get some support, create quiet time, encourage open communication, etc..


Identify 1 Mental Help Support line.

Answers may vary:

What is...

EAP (Optum), Mental Health Crisis Line, Mental Health Service Administration National Line, Talkspace, suicide prevention hotline (988)


How many times a year are you suppose to do your annual physical?

What is once a year?
