More, or less; 50% of college students say stress affect their academic performance.
Less, 30% of students feel that stress affect their academic performance.
True or False; Playing on your phone or watching TV before bed is a good way to fall asleep
False, it is a very engaging medium that stimulates the brain.
What are the top three substances used by college students
Alcohol, Marijuana, Adderall
Free counseling is offered on campus, Where can you find these resources?
Second Floor of the BSC
The Myer flag is hanging in the lobby, name 3 things the Myer flag says (Excluding the word Myer).
-Mallet Master Miguel
-Don't messie with Jessie
-Shake and Baker
-Ash Cash Money
-Respect pls
-Open communication
-Memes and Snacks
-Quiet Hours
Having a huge "To Do" can create stress, what is one way you help ease the stress of having a busy life.
- Time management
-Learning to say No
-Plan Ahead
True or false; "Sleeping in" on the weekends is okay and will not negatively affect your weekday sleep schedule.
What are the 3 C's
True or false: Less than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year
False, more than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year
Approximately how many students does Myer House?
True or false; Alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine are stimulants, and these substances can increase your level of stress
True or false; The Freshman 15 is often thought to be caused by new freedoms of choice, but it is often caused by the body requiring extra calories to function because not enough sleep has been had.
Before this age, normal brain development can be interrupted by heavy alcohol or marijuana use.
What are 2 symptoms of Depression?
-Feelings of despair and hopelessness
-Feeling detached from life and those around you
-Continued fatigue or loss of energy feelings of sadness
–Crying for no apparent reason inability to concentrate or make decisions
-Thoughts of suicide
-Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
-Persistent or recurring headaches or
-Frequent gastrointestinal upsets
-Losing interest in activities that are enjoyed
Name the Myer RA's in order from youngest to oldest
People under chronic stress are more susceptible to viral illnesses such as these.
What are the flu and the common cold?
A hormone found naturally in the body that can help one fall asleep
What does V.I.T.A.L.S Stand for?
Temperature Change
Absence of color
Low Breathing
Tru or False, If someone in your family has a mental illness, you are more likely to develop one as well.
Fact. Although you will not necessarily develop any kind of mental illness, if someone in your family has a mental disorder you will be at higher risk. So, if you start to experience the symptoms of a mental disorder it will be important for you to see a health provider as soon as possible to determine if you have a problem that will require treatment.
Who is Myer named after?
Elizabeth Myer, one of the original and most-loved faculty members on campus.
Name Two stress relieving foods
-Dark Chocolate
-Leafy Greens
----- out of 10 college students say they get less than the recommended amount of sleep every night.
What are 2 of the top five reasons college students drink or use drugs
-Peer pressure and social influence
-Escape or self-medication
-Academic or performance pressure
-Coping with trauma, anxiety, depression or another underlying mental health issue
-Media influences: Studies show that teens who watch movies that depict smoking or alcohol consumption are more likely to engage in those behaviors themselves.
Name 3 things you can do to help a friend who thinks they may have a mental health problem.
-Listen to them
-spend time with them
-encourage them to seek help
-Offer to go with them to appointments
-help them make appointments
-show them that you care
-Seek outside sources for advice
-if it is serious tell someone
-don't judge
What Year was Myer Resident Hall Opened?