This is a document that shows your education, work experience, and skills
The first thing you do when you meet someone is...
Shake hands, smile
When you help customers (waiters, cashier, working in a store), this is called....
Customer Service
TRUE or FALSE - Is “” example of a professional email
It walks slow, is green, and lives in a shell
A conversation between an employer (boss) and a person looking for a job
Give examples of professional clothes
suits, ties, nice shoes, buttoned shirts, etc.
When you work very well in a group, you have _______skills!
You send this with your resume - this document has the reason why you are applying for that job and what makes you a good candidate
Cover Letter
It is very fragile, when you speak its name, it breaks
This is something you want to accomplish or do in your personal or professional life. Example: My ____ is to become a great guitar player!
The way you act is the way your body speaks. This is called...
Body Language
Skills or personal attributes that will make you very successful in working with other people.
Soft Skills
What do you do if you do not have any professional experience to write about
You can share other experiences such as: volunteering, internships, extracurricular activities
The organization which hosts YLF and YLR
Start with P, ends with D...
PYD (Partners for Youth with Disabilities)
What you must have in order to accomplish your goals, be a good worker, and become successful in life. The word starts with M...
When you introduce yourself, you should say...
Hello! My name is_______. It is nice to meet you!
________ Listening is is using your own body language to SHOW that you are listening, understanding, and responding to what someone is saying.
Active Listening
TRUE or FALSE - I can just send my resume and cover letter instead of filling out a full online job application for a job. The resume and cover letter have all my info already.
LOL means...
Laughing Out Loud
When you tell other people at work about your disabilities and you need accommodation. This is called...
Disability Disclosure
Talking to your boss or co-workers when you need help is an example of good _________.
This word starts with C, and ends with N
If you are never late, and always finishes your projects before the deadline, it means you have good _________ management skills
Time Management
TRUE or FALSE - It's ok to make up your education and work experience in your resume, as no one will check.
FALSE! This is a very bad idea!
What's that thing that's round and black on the bottom of a car?
Wheels or Tires