Originated in Scotland
Black in color and medium sized
Excellent growth and carcass traits
Black Angus
Originated in Asia
Mainly White but color can vary
Does not do well in wet climates
Produces the finest mohair (soft, lustrous, and durable fabric or yarn that comes from fleece)
Originated in England
Black with white feet, tails, and faces
Have dish snouts and short erect ears
Medium sized
Originated in England
Medium in size
White with open faces and horned
Most popular white face breed in the US
Originated in France
Golden red in color
Horned or Polled
Known for muscle, leanness, and high yielding carcass
Originated in India
Light gray to red in color with loose skin in neck with a large hump
Primarily a horned breed
Known for heat tolerance and adaptability
Originated in Switzerland
Hair is short and fine
White or light cream in color
Face is straight or dished with erect ears
Medium to large in size
Known for high milk productivity
Developed in Pennsylvania between 1815 and 1818
White in color with medium-sized droopy ears
Originally named Chester County White
Chester White
Originated in England/Scotland
Long white wool with black muzzle and bald white face
Mainly Polled but can be horned
long erect ears
Large in size
Has a distinctive helical crimp (springy) that helps reduce fleece rot and fly strike(caused by flies laying eggs)
Originated in England
Called "English Large White"
Have long large framed bodies
White in color with erect ears
Low back fat and lean meat
Known as the "mother" breed because they produce large litters
Originated in France
White in color
Large in size
Can be horned or polled
Known for muscle and growth
Originated in Spain
Color variates
Small in size
Long hair and ears
Developed in the New York/New Jersey area during the 1800's
Light gold to mahogany red in color with droopy ears
Valued for product quality, carcass yield, and fast growth.
Originated in Caribbean
White with black head, legs, and hooves
Large in size
The University of Idaho played a major part in advancing this breed in western states
Originated in New Zealand
Color varies but mainly white
Medium to large in size
Parasite Resistant
Originated in Scotland
Red in color
Great meat quality
Similar to black angus
Red Angus
Originated in South Africa
White body with brown on neck and face
Long downward hanging ears and horns
Large in size
First breed that was involved in meat performance
Originated in Denmark
Have VERY LONG white bodies
Very large droopy ears pointing forward
Originated in England
Gray to brown in color with wool on face
small to medium in size
Adaptable to wet climates
Oldest breed of down sheep (British breeds)
Originated in the United States
Lincoln and Rambouillet cross
Large in size
White in color with bald face
Originated in Herefordshire England
Red in color with white face, belly, feet, and tail
Horned or polled
Hearty breed
Originated in France
Have upright ears and a straight face
Medium to short hair and glossy coat
Medium to large in size
Originated in England/Scotland
Black with white belt across shoulders
Large in size
Minimal(small amount) back fat
Originated in Finland
Small to medium in size
White with bald face and white legs
Have short gestation and large litters
Originated in Ireland
Red in color with erect ears
Medium in size
Lean meat
Most active breed of swine
Resistant to sunburn