This breed was developed in TX 3/8 Brahman 5/8 Shorthorn
What is Santa Gertrudis?
This breed has a brown head and white body.
What is Boer?
This white pig is known as the “mother breed”
What is Yorkshire
This black-faced sheep is usually raised for meat.
What is Suffolk
this breed originated in the Swiss Alps.
What is Brown Swiss?
This breed is the smallest and comes in many colors.
What is a Pygmy?
This breed is known for its black body and white band around the middle covering the front legs.
What is Hampshire
This breed is a meat breed originating in Southwest, England
What is Dorset
this breed is known for its distinctive mahogany and white markings
What is Ayrshire?
This breed is known for their mohair.
What is an Angora?
This breed is known for high growth rate and is red in color.
What is Duroc
This breed is early maturing and from the Sussex hills of England
What is Southdown?
This breed is known for its golden milk
What is Guernsey?
This dual-purpose cattle will either be red, white, or roan.
What is Shorthorn
What is a Saanen?
This breed has black spots and is noted for rapid growth.
What is Spot
This breed is large and hardy and is known for their heavy fleece
What is Rambouillet?
This breed is the highest milk producer
What is Holstein?
The origin of this breed is Chiana Valley, Tuscany
What is Chiania?
The origin of this breed is the French Alps.
What is an Alpine?
The origin of this breed is Ohio
What is Poland China
This breed produces heavy locks that are twisted in a spiral
What is Lincoln?
This breed originated in England
What is Milking Shorthorn?