What is an adult male chicken called?
A rooster
What is it called when you separate a baby piglet from its mother?
What are the 5 fur types?
Rex, Angora, Flyback, Rollback, Standing
What is a female sheep called?
How many teeth does a goat have?
How many eyelids do chickens have?
How many litters can a mother have in a year?
A mother pig can have 2 litters a year
What is the most important food in a rabbit's diet?
Sheep finishing diets have about what percent crude protein?
How many tags should your market goat have?
How many square feet do chickens need?
2-4 sq feet per chicken
What is the max weight on an average market hog?
How many breeds are recognized by ARBA?
What is docking?
Cutting the tails short on baby lambs
What does AI stand for?
Artificial Insemination
Name one pure bantam breed?
Japanese Bantam, Sebright, etc.
On average how many pounds does a pig eat per day to maintain weight?
How old are baby rabbits when they open their eyes?
7-10 days
What term describes the natural waviness of wool fiber?
What is the normal temperature range for a goat?
101.5- 103.5
What are the most essential nutrients to chickens?
Protein, Calcium, water, fat, and vitamins!
What vaccine does a baby piglet get after its born?
The iron shot
What does ARBA stand for?
American Rabbit Breeders Association
About how many different breeds of sheep are there in the world?
What shape are a goat’s pupils?