What is the price for a pack of bacon in many Northern Communities?
What is the total population of Canada's arctic?
What percent of Northern populations live in overpopulated housing?
What animal often poses a threat to northern communities?
Polar Bear
What is the price of a pack of hot dogs?
What is the correct term for Indigenous people who live in Canada's arctic?
Approximately what percent of houses in northern communities are in need of major repairs?
What environmental issue threatens Isolated and northern communities?
Climate change/global warming
What is the price for 3 L of orange juice?
Compared to the average population, how much more likely are those in Isolated communities to suffer from mental health issues? (ex. 2x, 3x, 4x)
Approximately how many communities in Canada have no road access?
What is the largest industry in Canada's North?
What is the price of 1 Kg of Tomatoes?
What percent of children in Northern Communities live below the poverty line?
What form of transport is most common to remote communities?
Air Travel
What is ground that is frozen year round called?
What is the price of one Kg of asparagus?
Approximately what percent of Nunavut's population consists of indigenous people?
What is the average price for a house in Nunavut?
On average, how many months a year does Iqaluit (Capital of Nunavut) get snow?
9 months