Most people suffering from addiction try to keep it a
What is a secret.
The publication called alcoholics anonymous is also known as the ________ _________.
What is the Big Book?
Group founded by James Christopher in 1986.
What is secular organizations for sobriety or SOS?
Step one states this about what our lives had become due to addiction.
What is unmanageable?
AA and NA asks us to take our recovery like this.
What is one day at a time.
______________ is a process rather than a single event or decision.
What is addiction.
The only requirement to join a twelve step fellowship is?
What is the desire to stop using.
An AA alternative that uses principles from cognitive-behavioral therapy to guide members.
What is SMART recovery?
Step two states that we came to believe that a higher power could restore this.
What is our sanity?
In AA and NA people helping others is called this.
What is doing service?
People addicted to alcohol or other drugs find it hard to ask for this?
What is help
For those with co-occurring disorders there are meetings called ______ ________ recovery.
What is duel diagnosis or double trouble?
This alternative group was created by Jean Kirkpatrick.
What is WFS or Women for Sobriety?
In step 4 we made a searching and fearless _________ __________.
What is moral inventory?
The act of apologizing for our past wrong doings is called ________ ________ in AA and NA.
What is making amends.
Often people suffering from addiction have feelings
of _________________.
What is being isolated?
When you're in early recovery it will take some time to regain this with family and friends?
What is trust?
WFS has _______ ________ rather than 12 steps.
What is 13 statements?
In step 7 we asked our higher power to remove these.
What are shortcomings?
__________ is simply the awareness that something exists beyond that which can be seen.
What is spirituality?
_______-_______ ________ can greatly help people suffering from addiction.
What are self-help groups?
A person who will help to guide you through the 12 steps who should be the same gender as you.
What is a sponsor?
Although 12 step groups are spiritual and not religious, they do ask people to have a reliance on __ ______ _____.
What is a higher power?
Step 10 asks us to continue to do this.
What is take personal inventory?
12 step programs talk about relying on a _______ ______ than ______.
What is a power greater than ourselves.