What should we always say when we enter any store or public service in France?
Should we leave a tip in a restaurant or bar?
You can, but it's not obligatory.
Who is the current president in France?
Emmanuel Macron
Is it ok to be absent from a class at UTBM?
Once, maximum twice during the semester, and you should send a message to the lecturer if you're absent.
What should we never do during 12h and 14h?
Interrupt someone's lunch!
When eating cheese, what 2 other items accompany the cheese in France?
Bread and wine.
How does France see religion?
Believe what you want, but your beliefs stay at home. laicité = secularism
What is the teacher / student relationship like at UTBM?
You must call them "Madame" or Monsieur", and respect them, however the are very approchable and you can always ask for help.
If we are invited for a meal at someone's house at 19h, what time should we arrive?
Sundays (esp afternoon), and sometimes Mondays.
Is the current French government left wing, right wing, or somewhere in the middle?
middle - right
Is it ok to be late to class at UTBM?
5 mins, ok. 10 mins late once, you'll be forgiven as long as you appologise. But, don't regularly be late!
If you are invited to someone's house for a meal, are you expected to bring something?
Yes, it's either established beforehand (example, you bring dessert), or you bring a small gift, like flowers,, a box of chocolates or something from your own country. If you bring wine, make sure you tell the person that it for them to drink at a later date!
When do stores and services in Belfort open and close?
a typical day is 9h-19h, but there can be slight variations, like 10h - 18h or closing at lunch.
What is the name of the French national anthem?
La Marseillaise
How do I meet and become friends with French students?
It's super hard. Join clubs, do sports. Relationships take a long time to form in France. And many are frightened to speak English!
Subjects that are generally taboo in France.
Money (including salary and jobs), religion, race, politics, death...
Is it ok to be naked on the beach in France?
Topless, yes, but not without your bottoms. There are nudist beaches for total nakedness.
What is France's Motto?
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
(Freedom, Equality, Fraternity)
Is it ok to miss exams at UTBM?
NO! Retakes aren't offered, and if you can't jusify your absence with a medical certificate, you'll get ABSENT on your final transcript.