Every organism is made of parts that work_____________to carry out life processes
Green plants us the process of ____________________to create food, (sugar) using energy from the sun
Joannie put a plant inside a closed jar. Every hour she checked the amount of oxygen in the jar,
and recorded the data. The amount of oxygen went from 20 percent to 22.6 percent after four hours.
What caused this to happen?
Whcih sttement explains correctly how plants and animals obtain energy?
Plants get energy from the sun and animals consume other organisms.
Explain plant structures.
Flower attracts pollinators and makes seeds
The leaf produces the plants food
The stem provides support and allows movement of water and nutrients.
Roots anchor the plant and take water and nutrients from the soil
Describe photosynthesis using these terms. Carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll, oxygen, sugar
Carbon dioxide enters the leaf, water is brought to the leaf from the roots, chlorophyll is a green pigment
that absorbs the sunlight, oxygen is released from the leaves and goes into the air, sugar is produced through
the process of photosynthesis.
A teacher wrote on the board: Earthworms eat soil to get nutrition from decaying roots and leaves
animals that live on the sea floor swallow mud to obtain nutrients
female mosquitoes feed on blood from humans, birds, small mammals, and snakes
lions are bulk feeder, and eat entire zebras and gazelles
baleen whales feed on phytoplankton filtered from the ocean water.
What was the class learning about?
ways animals get energy
What did we find out when we did the Gyzmo plant experiment?
What were the variables, things that changed?
What did we find out about how light affects plant growth?
More light makes plants heavier!
Name the parts of a flower structure involved in reproduction and discuss what it is used for.
1.Pistil, tube for pollen
2.Stamen - pollen
3. Petal - attract pollinators, and protect the reproduction parts
Why did bald eagles become NOT almost extinct?
Eagles reproduced enough to thrive.
Most plants reproduce with ___that are made during the process called pollination.
When ____________from the ______________ is transferred to the ___________-of a
When pollen from the stamen is transferred to the pistil of a flower.
Alyssa wanted to buy a plant. In a store, she saw that plants had tags about them. Each tag listed the conditions the plant needed to survive. Alyssa noticed that sunlight was one condition that was always listed. Which is the best reason why sunlight is needed?
Sunlight provides the enenrgy for plants' food production.
What is true about pollination?
Pollination occurs in the flower of the plant
Some flowers have scents or colors that attract pollinators.
What helps an anoconda eat?
jaws that can stretch wide open
How would having many baby snakes in each litter help anacondas thrive over time?
Producing many babies increases the chance some will survive and reproduce.
Wheat, has no scent, small dull petals pollen is very lightweight
has sweet taste, small thin flowers, bright red orange or yellow petals
Zostera seagrass, floats fingerlike petals
Corpse very stinky, large flower, blood like color, smells very bad
Choose the correct pollintator
Water, flies, wind, hummingbird
Wheat wind
Honeysuckle hummingbird
Zostera water
corpse plant flies