An Act that Cause physical harm to another person or property...
What is Violence?
The lenses through which we see the world; our truth
What are beliefs?
Relax, Reframe, Resolve & Remove
Something we form around our physical space, social customs, and emotions...
What are boundaries?
Freedom, respect, security, health, strength, peace, etc.
What are values?
When someone acts aggressively or violently but is not angry...
What is instrumental aggression/violence?
A strategy to help manage personal high-risk situations and prevent violence from occurring...
What is a self-management plan?
Things you can say to yourself to help you stay calm when you feel yourself getting angry...
What are coping thoughts?
What are the four styles of communication?
Aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive and assertive.
A way of taking control of the process of change by setting achievable goals...
What are SMART steps?
Decisions we make that we think will lead to a good result but instead lead to high-risk situations...
What are SUDs (seemingly unimportant decisions)?
Your body's reaction to a thought...
What are sensations?
This technique involves consciously halting negative or intrusive thoughts and replacing them with more positive or constructive ones...
What is thought stopping?
his technique involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said during a conversation...
What is active listening?
The build-up of negative beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, emotions, etc.
What is a lapse?
A metaphor for all the things we carry with us into a situation...
What is a toolbox?
What is problematic thinking?
Taking a break from a high-risk situation...
What is a time-out?
What does SNAP stand for?
Stop Now and Plan!
This structured approach involves identifying stressors, developing strategies to cope with them, and implementing techniques to reduce overall stress levels...
What is a stress management plan?
Thoughts generate emotions, which drive behaviour...
What is Cognitive-Behavioural Theory?
A demand on mental or physical energy...
What is stress?
Fear, guilt, anxiety, shame, embarrassment, anger, etc.
What are emotions?
Stressful situation, negative thoughts, negative emotions, and physical triggers...
What are high-risk factors?
Awareness of the factors that can lead to anger, aggression, or violence...
What is "Living Without Violence!"