Incentive Program
LK History and Knowledge
Soccer Knowledge
LK Guelph Tri-City
Let's Recap

How often will the bonus be sent out?

What is 1 month?


What age range of Kickers can play at Little Kickers?

What is 1.5 to 8? 

Will also accept:

What is 1.5 to 7?


What is soccer traditionally called in Europe?

What is football?


How long is a LK class?

What is 45 minutes?

Should we always aim to stick to the lesson plan?

What is yes?


How many weeks per month (per location) do you need to coach to qualify for the incentive program?

What is 3 weeks?


In what year was little Kickers established? Hint: it was the same year that I was born.

What is 2002?


How many players are on a soccer pitch at once (per team, and including the goalie)?

What is 11?


How many cities/towns did we run classes in this past Summer? (Hint: Kitchener and Waterloo count as two separate cities).

What is six?


From the head office part of this presentation, what is the main goal they want all coaches to achieve?

What is "becoming everyone's favourite coach?"


How many cents are earned per Kicker?

What is 50 cents?


In what area of the world was Little Kickers first established?

What is the UK?

Will also accept:

What is Europe?


What is the widely known name for the soccer trick that involves using one foot to roll up the ball on the other leg (usually up the calf), before using the other leg to lob the ball over the head of the opponent you're facing?

What is a rainbow flick?


When was Little Kickers Guelph Tri-City established? Hint: Little Kickers came to Canada in 2009. Note: answer within 2 (above or below) will be accepted.

What is 2012?


From the head office part of this presentation, what was the FIRST tip provided?

What is welcoming? (extra note: this needs to be done the moment they arrive)!


How long do Kickers need to be actively registered for before counting toward the bonus?

What is 3 months?

How many countries does LK operate in? Note: anything within 4 (above or below) will be accepted.

What is 18 countries?


In a Louis Vutton advertisement, which two soccer players were pictured sitting across from one another playing chess?

Who are Messi and Ronaldo?


What are the two things that should increase (in games, warmup and ballskills) with each age group? Hint: this was mentioned in both the ball skills and warmup in action videos!

What is pace of play and level of difficulty?


After each class, what are the three things that kitholders need to send into the chat?

What is a Summary of Class, Health and Safety Sheet, and Updated Jersey Count?


What are two things that disqualify you from the incentive program, and what is one thing that can requalify you?

Any two of (Disqualify):

What is cancelling on a shift or too many time offs?

What is negative feedback?

What is being late?

What is forgetting class recaps?

Any one of (Requalify):

What is picking up a shift?

What is subbing for a kit-holder?

What is positive feedback?


Christine Stanschus started Little Kickers to try and combat _______. Hint: health condition.

What is child obesity?


Which team reigned victorious in the 2022 World Cup?

What is Argentina?

What were 3 of the 4 themes of the week that we did here in the month of September?

Any three of:

What is space week/fall week/planes, trains, cars week/school week?


Each class we need to bring energy (tone of voice and constant volume and encouragement) and enthusiasm. According to this presentation, when talking about enthusiasm, what are the three things we need to bring to each and every shift? 

What is a positive attitude, a smile, and a genuine eagerness to engage with Kickers and families?
