Final Exam Questions
Final Exam Questions
Final Exam Questions
Final Exam Questions
Final Exam Questions

What are the 5 text structures your students will encounter while learning informational text. 

1. Description

2. Order & Sequence

3. Cause & Effect

4. Compare & Contrast

5. Problem & Solution

Define Explicit instruction.
Highly effective, use of specific words, word learning strategies. 

Explain the concept of morphemic analysis. Explain how this concept is different from contextual analysis. 

Morphemic - derving a word's meaning by analyzing its meaningful parts or morphemes (root word, prefixes, suffixes)

Contextual - involves inferring the meaning of an unfamiliar word by scrutinizing the text around it. 


What is adept diction? Explain one way that you can encourage this in your classroom

The skillful use of words in speech and writing. It goes beyond the classroom. Foster consciousness motivates to expand vocabulary.

example procrastinator and use in a sentence. 


What are the steps of the writing process?

Brainstorming, Draft, Revise, Edit, Publish


What is the purpose of a mini-lesson?

A teacher might create one when they notice a gap in learning or a skill that needs to be further refined. 


What are the 5 parts of a narrative plot?

1. Exposition - beginning

2. Conflict - rising action/call to action

3. Climax - the turning point

4. Falling action - fewer events

5. Resolution - story solved


What is the difference between and efferent and aesthetic reading response?

Efferent - no feelings, what you learned, knowledge gained

Aesthetic - response to emotions, colors and arts


Identify at least 3 text structures that your students will encounter while reading informational text. 

Cause and effect

Chronological / timeline

Problem solution




The 3 components of text complexity. 



Reader / Task Consideration


This concept includes Brainstorming, Drafting, Editing, Revising, and Publishing. 

The Writing Process.


What are the 4 types of writing instruction?

Modeling writing, shared writing, guided writing, and Independent. Also known as the Gradual release of modeling. (I do, you do, we do)


What is the difference between the top-down and bottom-up models of reading instruction?

Top-down- whole language learning, learn by doing, use of background knowledge and decoding.

Bottom-up - direct instruction, taught very specific skills. 

Interactive - combines the two. 


This type of reading response elicits knowledge.

Efferent - knowledge you gain, no feelings, what you learned

Aesthetic - response to emotions, arts, colors


What's the difference between text structure and text features?

text structure is informational

text features bring the text out (stands out, index, glossary, bold, underline, captions, titles/headings)


Explain the concept of the word consciousness. Explain its importance to the classroom environment.

Students who are word conscious are aware of the words around them. those they read and those they write and speak, awareness, enjoyment, playing, interest, appreciate - they become curious about language. 


This type of reading response elicits emotions.

Aesthetic - response to emotions, arts, colors

Efferent - knowledge you gain, no feelings, what you learned. 


What is Schema Theory. Give an example of this taking place in a literacy classroom. 

Teachers can use schema activation techniques in pre-reading or pre-listening activities to help students make connections between their prior knowledge and the new information presented in the text or audio.


What type of words make up the largest tier of vocabulary? What are the other 2 tiers?

Tier 1 - Basic

Frequent - Tier 2 

Low Frequency - Tier 3 


What are the 3 tiers of vocabulary words? Give an example of each. 

Tier 1 Basic (good, bad, today)

Tier 2 Frequent (explicit)

Tier 3 Low Frequency - Hydrogen


Explain the concept of text complexity. What are the 3 components that contribute to this concept? Explain why it is important for teachers to understand this concept.

interrelated components - qualitative measures

quantitative measures - reader/task considerations

It is important because teachers can see student progress through the increase of content knowledge, real-world solutions, and reading engagement. 


What is Sociolinguistics? Give an example of this taking place in a literacy classroom.

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies how social factors impact language use. Examples of sociolinguistic study include gendered language differences, regional differences, and how social class impacts language use.


What is an idiom? Give an example. 

An expression that cannot be understood by the meaning of the individual word within it. 

Example - cut the mustard


What is Psycholinguistics? Give an example of this taking place in literacy classroom. 

Psycholinguistics is interested in how the brain comprehends and produces language An example of psycholinguistics in action could be the different reading strategies teachers apply to help young learners, such as retelling and making inferences.


What is the difference between homonyms, homographs and homophones?

Homographs - spelled the same with different meanings - may not be pronounced the same. (bass/bass, bark, bark)

Homonyms - same spelling or pronounced the same but has a different meaning (bat/bat, site, sight)

Homophones - have the same pronunciation but different meanings (hole, whole)
