Which two Llama's are spotted?
Potato and Strawbaby
what is Charlotte's favorite type of art?
What will Bill do if he thinks you are copying him?
He'll attack you!!!
What animal can lift 20 times its wait
What does Bill most commonly say?
What is Boney most Terrified of?
How dark does Charlotte like her dark chocolate?
who sings "seven foot frame rats along his back"?
Can other animals be dominated handed like humans
Yes, they can. Infact, the Bottlenose Dolphin's are more right hand dominated than humans
should you trust Bill?
What song does Bill beat box with Strawbaby and Potato? Sing the song.
Bill "Bill"
Potato "Wiggle wiggle sniff sniff"
Strawbaby "oooooo"
Why does Charlotte make that face with her eyes staring at you in a creepy way???
No explamation, she just does that
Who is Slithia
Sister of the devil
Do narwhales have teeth?
Yes, their tusk is acually teeth
What color is Bill's mustache?
What do spacepup and potato say when ever they hear 'Mrs. Murdo'?
How does Charlotte say "Frog?"
What has an mouth and a bed but no ears and nose?
A river
Are koala's or bear's finger prints more like human?
Which one of Bill's brothers says "Wiggle-wiggle Sniff-sniff" with Bill?
How many storys high is the llama's house?
7 curently, but changes will happen on the growing population of llamas. All of the llama's rooms take up 5 floors. The kitchen and dinning room are on the bottom floor. And on the top floor is, SSSH, quiet, it's BlueBaby's secret lab. Don't tell anyone, OR ELSE!!!
What's Charlotte's 2 favorite foods?
Fa soup and coconut shrimp (may very, this is currently)
What does Slithia look like? Describe all features
Slithia wears a black robe and has, red eyes, horns, snake tounge, sharp claws and fangs
Who's the worlds fastest puncher?
Mantis shrimp
Who is Bill? The big question
Answer unknown
All that is known is Bill may be a ghost, for he jumped into the sun and is forever changed.
Big bushy mustache, weird way of saying "hi, I'm Bill". He also has 35 brothers '30 Arnod' Bobby, Billy, Gasp, Laugh. The rest, unknown.