Marthritis and Health
Arrive in Style
A phrase referring to the entirety of the household unit, this gem may have found its way from Grandma Llewellyn's vocabulary.
What is "The whole fam damily?
The item responsible for both a matriarch's fall and a windfall.
What is the elevator repairman's toolbox?
This ever changing medley of leftovers has contained meatloaf, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and torn KFC chicken, as well as any other (close to expiration) fridge fare.
What is "mussgo (Must-go) soup?"
A synthetic corticosteroid drug particularly effective as an immunosuppressant, it is used to treat certain inflammatory diseases but adverse effects leaves patients more susceptible to infections.
What is Prednisone?
This 1979 Ford Fiesta was nicknamed ____________ for its resemblance to a nose nugget.
What is "Snotty?"
Taunts and mild oaths used to refer to opposing players who drop too frequently in Dr. Mario.
What is "Stink Bird" or "Mama Bear?"
The number and directional statement uttered more than any other phrase in Martha's life.
What is "Three South?"
The ingredient that surpasses both bread and cheese by mass in Clark's grilled cheese sandwiches.
What is Butter?
The surname derived from the character traits associated with someone who is strict, austere or harsh... also a doctor less than impressed with dad.
What is "Stern?"
The site of a watermelon explosion and a trip to Mississippi, Anita's introduction to roadtrip - Llewellyn style - was in this vehicle.
What is the white Chevy Astro?
Touted as an excellent example of foliage relocation instructions this phrase makes less sense upon each repetition.
What is "Don't you go near that tree until you move it!?"
A spoof on a Chase, Martin and Short classic starring a father and sons.
What is the "Three Dumb Burritos?"
The source of childhood angst for a young "Clarkie," this was found in the bushes after the dog and several days had left it in less than pristine condition.
What is "The Swiss Cheese Sandwich?"
An item resembling a voodoo staple was reviled by some as cruel, but loved by the recipient as an embodiment of her sons' love.
What is the "Little Martha Doll?"
When his ship finally came in Clark wouldn't take bull from anyone and purchased a Full sized Ford conversion van and THIS VEHICLE as his chariots.
What is the blue Ford Taurus?
A Clarkism that refers to believers who are hard to find in the daylight.
What is "Cockroach Christians?"
The town where your car will be stripped while you sleep and the identical part sold back to you the next day.
What is "Tucumcari, AZ?"
The nickname derived from the youngest son's propensity for snacking on an inedible and arguably non-delectable part of his anatomy.
What is "Jammer?"
In a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), this medicine works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body and is marketed under the brand names Aleve and Midol Extended Relief.
What is Naprosyn?
How and from whence the 1979 Chrysler New Yorker came.
What is "Up from Hell on an Elevator?"
"Not me!" "Yes you!" But if not... Certainly whoever it is should be embarrassed - - - -" "Ah Ha!!! I win" is an example of this kind of interaction.
What is "The Blame/Shame Game?"
A Llewellyn family camping imperative not to be confused with a nut.
What is the "Pee-can?"
Either the next door neighbor or the Hardee's staple invented by Clark and Randy.
What is "The Herald/Harold?"
Used as an abortifacient in the induction of medical abortions as well as a chemotherapy drug for cancer, this medicine has also been used to aid patients fighting severe flare-ups of Rheumatiod Arthritis.
What is "Methotrexate?"
The name of this baby comes from the company's internal designation of "platform" and for the interior space as "tall" rather than the 'personal transport' method of commuting.
What is the "PT Cruiser?"