This AFI covers overall dress and appearance
AFI 36-2903
This greek god is the overseer of love
Teams that win the Super Bowl are awarded a trophy named after this man
Vince Lombardi
Yellow electric Mouse Pokémon
Homeland of Moana
Hand tattoos are authorized; however what is the limitation?
Double Jeopardy
one single band ring tattoo on one finger on one hand
The biological mother of Naruto Uzumaki
This "Rick-rolled" legend sings "Never Gonna Give You Up".
Rick Astley
This wrestling superstar chugged beers on live television
Stone Cold (Steve Austin)
Best friend of Disney Princess Arielle
Load bearing partitions (interior walls) are ran in what direction to the floor joist.
This bodily function disperses methane gass
Farting/ shart
The closest planet to mother Earth
Double Jeopardy!!!!
Double Jeopardy!!!!
The name of the Beast Titan in AOT
Zeke Yeager
Dory leads Marlin to this destination to find Nemo.
Sydney, Australia
This specific concrete joint is used to create a plane of weakness, which forces cracking at the joint
This Star Wars Character wields a red double-sided lightsaber
Darth Maul
This American Musician wrote and sung "Take Me Home, Country Roads"
John Denver
This 90's electronic toy was a "Must Have". It resembles a hamster or owl-like creature.
Double Jeopardy
This cartoon movie character appeared in Toy Story 2 and is Woody's best friend and Buzz's Girlfriend
Jessie the Cowgirl
What is the time-in-grade requirement Airman may be promotion eligible to Airman First Class?
10 Months
Super Mario World was initially launched on this Gaming System
Double Jeopardy!!!!!!
first rap song to hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100
In "The Office" who received a Gold Medal in "Flonkerton"
In this comedy movie head hockey coach Gordon Bombay leads a little league hockey team to the championship
Mighty Ducks