I'm Darwin's birthday
What happened in 1809 ?
i'm the famous book of darwin
what is the origin of species
i'm the queen during the victorian era
who was alexandrina victoria
i'm the boat where darwin travel for a scientific trip
what is the HMS
Traits are passed on through reproduction
what is an example of both theories ?
I'm Darwn's real name
What means Charles Robert Darwin ?
Im the number of copies sold of his book
What's the number 1,250 ?
i'm the period that represents victorian era
what happened during 1837-1901
I'm the creator of the Wallace line
Who is Alfred Russel Wallace
im Lamarck's birthday
what happened in first august 1744 ?
I'm the year of darwin's death
what happened in 1882 ?
This is characteristics that helps an organisms survive and reproduce in their environment
what is adaptation ?
i'm the successor of queen victoria
who is king edward VII
we are 3 people who influenced Darwin
who were James Hutton, Charles Lyell and Thomas Malthus ?
i'm Lamarck day of death
what happened the 18 december 1829
I'm the number of darwin's children who stay alive
What means the number 6
We are the 3 modes of selection
what are directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection ?
I'm those things invented during the victorian era
when first car, electric train, railway, bicycle, electric telegraph were invented
im the scientist who suggested the model of use or disuse for evolution
who is Lamarck ?
Girrafes stretching their necks to reach leaves high in trees, strengthen and gradually lengthen their necks. These giraffes have offspring with slightly longer necks.
What is an example of Lamarck's theory ?
how traits are passed on
what is reproduction ?
we are the 5 principles of natural selection
What are genetic variation, survival is challenged by the environment, competion, survival of the fittest, and characteristics of fittest that are passed on ?
i'm the years when big ben ring for the same time
what happen in 1859
Their work suggested that earth was million of years old.
Who are Hutton and Lyell ?
im the idea of "use and disuse"
what is lamarck's idea ?