Navigating the LMS
The HOTwall
Daily Routine
In order for a student to log in, which "log in" link she he or she select?
"Student Login"
What assignment must be completed immediately after the Flip Slip, before moving on to the Apply Work?
The Remember/Understand HOTticket
This word refers to the particular unit a student is working on as well as the particular week in which they are working.
Gamepiece Example: 9.1 "9" refers to the unit "1" refers to the particular week of the unit
The color of this wall is black.
What is the first thing a student does when he or she gets to class?
The Silent 7
Where can a student see the classes in which they are enrolled as well as the links to said classes?
In the "courses" column on the left side of the student welcome page.
After completing a public post assignment, what must happen before the student physically posts it onto the HOTwall?
It must be check by the teacher.
This is where the students will find the notes that they must copy down in their notebook before moving on to the R/U HOTticket.
The Flip Slip
What color is the Create/Evaluate wall?
What is the purpose of the Exit Ticket?
To let the teacher know what you know about the week's skill.
What link should a student click on in order to access the Flip Slip for his or her current week?
The "Flip Slip" link on the left side of the student's course home page under the current week of the unit.
If a student is ready to move on to the next unit in a course, what color will the circle be that is next to his or her current unit?
This is the name of the assessment of the unit that will be taken online after the student has completed all of the assignments for all three weeks of the unit.
The Final Evaluation
A post must be made on this wall before moving on to the Apply work.
The Remember/Understand wall
How many people are involved in the Mini Lesson each day?
The entire class
Where should a student look for supplementary texts, assignments, help videos, etc?
Under "activities" on the bottom left of the course home page.
In a student's current unit, he or she has completed and posted the R/U HOTticket, Apply Work (both public and private), and the Analysis Work (both public and private). He or she now has two options as for what he or she should work on next. What are they?
The Create/Evaluate project or the Final Evaluation. *Although it is up to the student to decide which one they will work on first, both assignments must be completed.
This is where students will publicly post all of their HOTtickets.
The HOTwall
Identify the problem: A teacher sees that student has posted assignments on both the Apply and Analysis wall, and yet they have not made any private posts for the current week.
The student seemingly skipped the Apply E-HOTticket. The assignments must be completed and checked in the proper order before a student is given clearance to move on.
While you are going through stations, how quickly do you have to move through them?
The teacher will set an alarm for 5 - 7 minutes, but you are able to move through the stations at your own pace.
What link should a student follow in order to see his or her progress on a particular unit and/or course
The "course home" link.
List the correct sequence of actions needed to be taken by each student in order to complete one week of a unit. (Consider both public and private posting, note taking, having work checked by the teacher, etc.)
1. Flip Slip Notes 2. Complete and post R/U HOTticket (must be check by teacher before posting) 3. Complete Apply Work (must be checked by teacher before moving on) 4. Complete and post Public Apply HOTticket (must be checked by teacher before posting) 5. Complete Apply E-HOTticket (private) 6. Complete and post Public Analysis HOTticket (must be checked by teacher before posting) 7. Complete Analysis E-HOTticket (private)
Explain the difference between a public and private post.
A public post is an assignment that will be physically posted onto the HOTwall. A private post is any electronic assignment completed on the LMS (E-HOTtickets and Final Evaluations).
Identify the problem: Upon inspecting the HOTwall, the teacher notices that one student has two assignments on the wall. One of the assignments is on the R/U wall and the other is on the Analysis wall.
The student either did not complete or did not post the Apply HOTticket. In addition, the student did not have their Analysis assignment checked by the teacher, otherwise they would not have been given clearance to post it until going back and completing/posting their Apply assignments.
True or False? All students will be working at the same pace and will all be working on the same assignment, at the same time every day.