This vital sign measures the force of blood against artery walls
What is blood pressure
This term describes difficulty breathing
This is the largest organ in the human body.
What is the skin
This doctor specializes in treating children.
What is a pediatrician
The universal donor blood type
What is O negative
The term "bradycardia" means this heart condition.
What is Slow heart rate
The smallest bones in the body are located in this organ.
What is the ear
A cardiologist specializes in treating this organ
What is the Heart
The term "nosocomial infection" refers to infections acquired in this setting
What is the Hospital
Inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord is called this
What is meningitis
This structure connects muscles to bones.
What is a tendon
his type of doctor focuses on diagnosing diseases by studying tissues and bodily fluids.
What is a pathologist
What does CPR stand for?
What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
This term refers to the body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment.
What is Homeostasis
The functional unit of the kidney that filters blood and produces urine.
What is the nephron
A nephrologist treats disorders related to this organ.
What are the kidneys?
This rare genetic disorder causes a person's tissues and organs to age rapidly.
What is progeria?
This term describes the process of a cell engulfing solid particles, often referred to as "cell eating.
What is Phagocytosis
This part of the brain controls involuntary functions like breathing and heart rate.
What is the medulla oblongata
What kind of DR studies the eyes?
What is an ophthalmologist