Local and State Conservation
National Conservation
Endangered Species Act
International Conservation
These nonprofit organizations protect land in local communities by buying land or acquiring conservation easements.
What are land trusts?
This bird was listed as an endangered species but has been de-listed due to the success of its recovery. It is also our national symbol.
What is the bald eagle?
These species are vulnerable to extinction in the near future.
What is an endangered species?
This organization was the world’s first global environmental organization, and maintains the Red List of threatened species.
What is the IUCN?
This is the most traditional tool for conserving private land. It is a legal agreement between a landowner and a land trust or government agency that permanently limits uses of the land in order to protect its conservation values.
What is a conservation easement?
Money from this fund can be used to conserve irreplaceable lands and improve outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the nation.
What is the Land and Water Conservation Fund?
These species are in danger or becoming endangered in the near future.
What are threatened species?
This international meeting was held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its goal was to determine how to protect the environment but also have sustainable development in less wealthy countries.
What is the Earth Summit or United Nations Conference on Environment and Development?
Citizens purchase these from a state so that they can legally hunt and fish.
What are hunting and fishing licenses?
The purpose of these lands is "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations."
What are the national parks?
These federal agencies administer the Endangered Species Act.
Who is the National Marine Fisheries Service and the US Fish and Wildlife Service?
This convention focuses on the protection of wetlands worldwide.
What is the Ramsar convention?
Using this conservation tool, a land trust acquires a piece of property and opens a portion of the property to development in order to help finance the original acquisition and the permanent protection of the remainder of the property. For more information, visit http://conservationtools.org/glossary/show/123#ixzz3JHq2RrWU
What is limited development?
These have distinctive cultural traditions that are still practiced, and have (or had) their own land and territory, to which they are tied in myriad ways.
What are traditional societies or indigenous people?
Harassment, harm, pursuit, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, or collecting of any listed species.
What is a "take"?
This convention focuses on the protection on natural and cultural sites of world-wide significance.
What is the World Heritage Convention?
When someone plans a project that will impact endangered species or other natural resources, they can buy credits in this and then their money is used to protect resources.
What is conservation banking?
National governments control their borders to prevent the exploitation of rare species and to help enforce this international treaty.
What is CITES?
This is required as part of an application for an incidental take permit. The plans describe the anticipated effects of the proposed taking; how those impacts will be minimized, or mitigated; and how the plan is to be funded.
What is a Habitat Conservation Plan?
When a certain, predetermined number of countries ratify a treaty.
How does a treaty "come into force?"