The units of the nervous system that make up the cortex
What are neurons?
This psychology study aimed to determine the role of biological factors on flashbulb memories.
What is Sharot et al (2007)?
The Hypothalamus is the part of the brain that produces hormones that control body temperature, heart rate, and hunger.
What the Hypothalamus?
This process ensures that every participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any of the treatment groups in an experiment.
What is random assignment?
The part of the cortex that is associated with visual processing
What is the occipital lobe?
Flashbulb memories were stored in this part of the brain instead of the Hippocampus.
What is the Amygdala?
A crucial pathway that functions as a crucial pathway connecting the olfactory bulb to the rest of the forebrain , primarily responsible for processing olfactory information by containing structures like the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) which plays a key role in regulating and filtering odor signals before they reach higher brain regions
What is the Olfactory Peduncle?
This type of scan, whose abbreviation means the same thing as a domesticated animal, relies on the brain's metabolization of glucose to view the activation of certain structures and pathways in the brain.
What is Positron Emission Tomography?
The part of the cortex associated with movement, orientation, recognition, and perception
What is the parietal lobe?
Saxe and Kanwisher (2003) showed that understanding when another person’s belief is false is localized in the
What is the Tempo-parietal junction?
A small part of your brain that helps with learning and memory. It is also involved in spatial navigation and emotional processing.
What is the Hippocampus?
Sharing its name with a 2023 Irish psychological thriller, this experimental procedure uses a placebo and ensures that neither the researchers nor participants know if a participant is being treated with the experimental substance or a placebo.
What is a Double Blind Procedure?
The name of the researcher who discovered an area in the frontal lobe responsible for controlling speech
Who is Paul Broca?
The spatial memory of these people in Maguire's study was localized in their Hippocampus
Who are London Taxi Drivers?
The brain region that has a key role in emotion-generating areas and has a key role in feelings of social connectedness and bonding.
What is the Septal Area?
This experimental technique is designed to prevent the order effect. It involves dividing the eligible participants in half, and having one of these subgroups complete the two conditions (control and experimental) in one order, and the other group in the reverse order.
What is counterbalancing?
A disorder where those affected have trouble comprehending spoken language
What is Wernicke's Aphasia?
This brain imaging technology was used in Sharot's 2007 study
What is an Fmri?
The ability to manage and control one's own behavior, positive and negative emotions, and responses in various situations.
What is regulating behavior?
In this method for experimental sample selection, researchers group potential participants by certain characteristics, and randomly select participants from these groups.
What is stratified sampling?