What country is located South of the United States?
What country is located at 20°N and 80°W?
What symbol often represents a capital city on a map?
What direction is half way between north and east?
What types of map shows the borders of countries?
Political Map
What country is just slightly Northeast of France, and West of Poland?
What major city is located at approximately 40°N and 74°W?
New York City
What might an airplane symbol mean, when its used on a map?
An airport
What direction would you travel to get from Florida to Canada?
What type of map would show elevations and landforms?
Physical Map
What country lies directly South of Egypt?
What major United States City is located at approximately 34°N and 118°W?
Los Angeles
If a scale on a map states that 1 inch = 5 miles, how many inches equals 20 miles?
4 inches
What direction is directly opposite of Southeast?
What type of map highlights rivers, lakes and mountains?
Physical Map
What country is North of South Korea?
North Korea
What country is located at 30°S and 23°E
South Africa
If a city is 300 miles away in real life, and the map shows it as 3 inches, what is the map scale?
1 inch = 100 miles
What state borders Colorado directly to the West?
What type of map would display climate zones?
What country is East of Argentina and North of Uruguay?
What country is approximately 36°N and 138°E?
What feature on a map shows the relationship between map distance and real world distance?
A scale
What direction is half way in between Southwest and Northwest?
What type of map would include voting results by state?