This TemTem's name comes from 'Hide' and 'Body'
What is Hidody?
The first Kitten born this way was named C.C. Some say it stands for "Copy Cat"
What is Cloning?
It took 188 tries and 82 embryos to bring C.C. into the world.
The day everything started going downhill.
What is Harambe?
This utensil was viewed as an offense to god.
What is Forks?
Artificial hands they said
This 1853 London discovery allowed for Fish to be kept as indoor pets.
What is aeration and filtration?
This Heterochromia eyed Good boi is named after Guillermo "YaW" Andrades' Shiba Inu dog.
What is Momo?
This had a profound but polarizing influence and reshaped how an entire field of knowledge operates.
What is CATZ the Muscial?
When am I (Risk Astley) Going to give you up?
This Leader declared war on a specific animal, which then led to a great disease outbreak.
What is Pope Gregory IV and the war on Cats?
The name of this means "Holy Fat Fish."
What is "Halibut"?
What is Nidorino?
It has the cry of Nidorina in Pokemon Red/Blue.
Named "Epidermis" This kitty was the first of it's species in 1975 Toronto Canada.
What is a Sphynx?
This oldest plague is the most common STD.
What is Life?
This pioneer in the art world is famous for stunningly detailed depictions of birds in flight and would often kill, then carefully place, the birdy victims in order to create these paintings.
What is John James Audubon?
Since 1945 starting with the British Centurion, all tanks have this.
Tea making facilities.
This is the only Pokemon that can Devolve.
What is Slowbro?
This happens if the Shellder ever lets go.
This was the first nation to have domesticated cats.
What is Mesopotamia?
Egypt was 4000 Years ago while Mesopotamia was 100,000, and occurred around the same time as sheep, goats, and their counterpart the dog.
New studies/technology man.
Social distancing has been practiced for ages before now due to this.
What is Depression?
This has been Mathematically proven to be a lie.
What is Altruism?
George Price discovered a formula that suggests there's no true selfless act and spent the rest of his life trying to rise above the math, helping the poor etc.
He killed himself in January 1975.
This Fish 'tastes' really good with it's 27,000 taste buds compared to human's measly 10,000.
What is a CatFish?
Prior to Gen 6 this Pokémon's gender can change upon evolution.
What is Azurill?
It's possibly a reference to the ability of Amphibians.
In this Culture Cats were the keepers of creation and were capable of speech with the gods.
What is Japan and China?
In the beginning Cats were tasked with overseeing creation but they preferred sleeping under trees and playing with the blossoms that fell. Three times the gods checked on the cats and each time were disappointed. The power of speech was taken from them and given to people, but people dumb so cats remained entrusted with their task of keeping time and maintaining order.
This lasts 45 seconds.
What is Feeling like I have my life together?
This experiment was intrinsic to the creation of the Cochlear implant.
What is Cat-a-Phone?
A LIVE but heavily sedated cat had part of it's brain cut out and attached to one end of a telephone wire to its auditory nerve and the other to a receiver. It successfully transmitted sound. It survived!
They tried again later with a dead cat.
Nearly 2 and half million gallons of this sticky substance released from a tank and created a 15 foot tidal wave in Boston, moving at 35 MPH, and could be smelled during the summer for years to come.
What is Molasses?