Jesus Loves you
What is Yes?
If the world was ending I'd want to be next to you was one of the main statements in the hit song.
GRRRREAT is the main thing that _______ says when speaking of his cereal brand.
Who is Tony the Tiger?
A term for charisma.
What is Rizz?
29 x 3
Who are Jesus's parents.
Who are Mary and Joseph? +50 points if you said God
we should stick together, I know
I said I'd never think I wasn't better alone. was said in this song.
This mascot of the naval variety has spent many years saying oops all berries and other flavors.
The popular term for a large rump.
What is Gyatt?
Where is Wyldife camp happening this year?
MUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD was said in this song.
What is TV Off?
Silly Rabbit _________ are for kids.
what is Trix?
Erm what the _______!
What is Sigma?
15 x 9
Jesus had this many disciples.
what is 12?
"Please don't call me for the wrong reasons. We both know exactly what I'm thinkin' Weeks pass and i never grow tired" was said in this popular song
What is Babydoll?
These familiar fruity pieces come in all colors of the rainbow as well as being named after small rocks.
What is Fruity Pebbles?
Something you may do in the kitchen with food and what your friend is when he is playing terrible on Fortnite.
What is Cooked?
Name All leaders in the room
Who are ____ _____ _____
From the screen to the ring, to the pen, to the King where's my crown? That's my bling, always drama when I ring. was perhaps the song of the year.
What is the Thick of It
This spooky seasonal mascot has a chocolate flavored cereal and would SUCK YOUR BLOOD.
Who is Count Chocula?
Which 2 food Items get 5 big booms
What is a Chicken Bake and a Double chunk chocolate chip cookie?