Mindfulness is about noticing what is: that includes your distractions, thoughts, and feelings, both pleasant and unpleasant.
What is something that stresses you out?
What is one reason we have emotions?
Survival, communication, connection to others, motivation, and to help get into wise mind (tells us something)
What is one relationship in your life you would like to improve?
Depends on the person (family, friend, teacher, therapist)
What are the 3 states of mind?
Emotion, reason, and wise
What is an example of a mindfulness activity?
Deep breathing, guided imagery, ect...
What DBT skill is specific to distress tolerance?
ACCEPTS, IMPROVE, Self-soothe, Pros and cons, Radical Acceptance (circles of control)
Give me one of the letters in PLEASE and explain what it means
physical illness, eating balanced, avoiding drugs, sleeping balanced, exercise balanced
What was one of the two relationship skills we talked about?
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical behavior therapy
1. Observe
2. Describe
3. Participate
Give me 4 out of the 7 letters in ACCEPTS
Explain opposite to action skill
Doing the opposite of the emotion by doing something that you would NOT normally do. Example, if you were sad and normally isolate yourself then you would socialize or call someone instead.
Give me one of the 4 letters in GIVE and explain what it means
Be gentle, act interested, validate the other person, easy mannered
What are the 4/5 themes in DBT?
How can mindfulness be helpful in your life?
Name the 6 Self-Soothe practices
visual, smell, hear, touch, taste, and movement
What are the ABC's of DBT? Give me one
Accumulating positive experiences
Building mastery
Coping ahead
Explain what the GIVE or FAST skill helps with in relationships?
GIVE - to build and maintain healthy relationships
FAST - to respect yourself in the relationships
What does dialectical mean?
Finding the balance in anything we do
1. Non-Judgmentally
2. One mindfully
3. Effectively
How can identifying what is in our control and out of control be helpful? (Radical acceptance)
It allows us to feel our feelings by not judging or avoiding it and also not lingering or getting stuck in the feelings
Give me one letter in FAST and explain what it means
Be fair, no apologies (unless needed), stick to your values, be truthful
Give me 4 out of the 7 letters in IMPROVE
imagery, meaning, prayer, one thing at a time, vacation, encouragement