Another name for an "If-Then Statement"
What is: a conditional statement
Identify the hypothesis: If the weather forecast says snow, then I will wear my boots.
What is: the weather forecast says snow.
Identify a counterexample to: If it is summer, then it is July.
What is: June, August or September
Identify whether the following statement is True or False (if False, identify a counterexample): If you play guitar, then you are a musician.
What is: True
What is: Inductive Reasoning
The two parts of a conditional statement.
What are: a hypothesis and a conclusion
Identify the conclusion: If the light turns red, then I will stop the car at the crosswalk.
What is: I will stop the car at the crosswalk.
Identify a counterexample to: If a number is even, then it is divisible by 4.
What is: 2, 6, 10, 14, etc.
Identify whether the following statement is True or False (if False, identify a counterexample): If polygon has four sides, then it is a square.
What is: False (rectangle)
Use deductive reasoning to make a logical conclusion, if possible. If not possible, state so: All fish have scales. All lizards have scales.
What is: No logical conclusion.
An example that proves a statement or conjecture to be false.
What is: a counterexample
Identify the converse of the following: If you take yoga, then you are relaxed.
What is: If you are relaxed, then you take yoga.
Identify a counterexample to: If it is midnight, then I can see the Big Dipper.
What is: it is cloudy, I am indoors, etc.
Identify whether the following statement is True or False (if False, identify a counterexample): If x+7=11, then x=4.
What is: True
Use deductive reasoning to make a logical conclusion, if possible. If not possible, state so: All numbers that are divisible by 15 are also divisible by 5. The number 45 is divisible by 15.
What is: The number 45 is divisible by 5.
The opposite of a conditional statement.
What is: a converse
Re-write the following into "if-then" format: I will be a lawyer when I pass the bar exam.
What is: If I pass the bar exam, then I will be a lawyer.
Identify a counterexample to: The sum of any two numbers is always greater than each number.
What is: [any combination of two numbers where at least one number is negative or zero]
Identify whether the following statement is True or False (if False, identify a counterexample): If you live in California, then you live in San Francisco.
What is: False (Los Angeles, etc.)
Make a conjecture about the pattern: -1, -4, 9, -16, -25, 36, _____.
What is: -49
An educated guess using inductive reasoning.
What is: a conjecture
Re-write the following statement into "if-then" format: All football players wear helmets.
What is: If you are a football player, then you wear a helmet.
Identify a counterexample to: For every number x,
What is: [any number less than 1 but greater than 0]
Identify whether the following statement is True or False (if False, identify a counterexample): If x2=16, then x=4.
What is: False (x=-4)
Make a conjecture to fill in the blank: The quotient of any positive number and any negative number is ________.
What is: negative.