What is an argument made up of?
One or more premise and a conclusion.
All of Frank’s books are hardcover. All hardcover books are more expensive than paperbacks. So, all of Frank’s books are more expensive than paperbacks.
What are the two main types of arguments?
Deductive and Inductive
When someone presents an argument wherein the premises refer to the attributes of a whole, leading to a conclusion referring to the attributes of the parts
Give an example of Argumentum ad Populum.
Everyone here at the Institute is reading the works of Maya Angelou right now. You certainly don't want to be out of it, so you need to do some reading of Angelou's work.
What are some conclusion indicators?
Therefore, Thus, So, Consequently, Hence, In conclusion... page 13
The raven i observed on Monday was black. The raven I observed on Wednesday was black. The raven I observed on Saturday was black. Hence, all ravens are black.
How can you tell the two different types of arguments apart?
Inductive deals with probablity
Give the definition of accident
When a general rule is applied incorrectly or applied in a situation which is not appropriate.
Give an example of Argumentum ad Verecundiam.
Since Albert Einstein was a thoroughgoing advocate of a Zionist state, and since Professor Einstein's reputation for being an intelligent man is beyond reproach, we can only conclude that a Zionist state is something to be advocated.
What are some premise indicators?
Since, As, Follows from, For, Because... page 13
No Republicans are Democrats. No college administrators are Democrats. Therefore, no Republicans are college administrators.
The name of the argument that is always considered invalid.
Inductive arguments
The quality in our grammar schools has been declining for years. The quality of education in our high schools has been declining for years. We can conclude that teachers are just not doing their jobs these days.
False Cause
Give an example of a Hasty Generalization
Joe spoke up in the City Council meeting yesterday for the first time since he was elected over two months ago. His comments were neither relevant nor well-spoken and Katie drew the conclusion that Joe is not a good public speaker.
The sentence "You are in Logic SI" is valid.
No, sentences are either true or false
Give an example of a valid argument
If Monica is a professional, then she has responsibilities. If Monica has responsibilities, then she has an ethical code. So, if Monica is a professional, then she has an ethical code.
What type of argument is this:
Susan gets paid biweekly on Fridays. Susan will not get paid this Friday. Hence, Susan will get paid next Friday.
Give the definition of composition
When an arguer incorrectly claims that the attributes or characteristics of the parts of some whole are also attributes of the whole itself.
Give an example of an Argumentum ad Baculum.
If you don't do your homework, you won't go to the game.
What is the definition of a valid argument?
And argument in which it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false at the same time.
Give an example of an invalid argument.
93% of guitarists play guitars made by either Fender or Gibson. John Mayer and Stephen Stills are guitarists. Hence, it is likely that Mayer and Stills play guitars made by either Fender or Gibson.
What type of argument is this:
A large majority of Pavlov’s dogs have been trained to salivate at the sound of a certain bell. Don recently acquired one of Pavlov’s dogs. So, Don’s dog will salivate at the sound of a certain bell.
The senator has made an argument we need to rewrite the legislation on campaign contributions...It is beyond me how you could seriously consider the reasoning of a man who can't even balance his own checkbook.
Argumentum ad Hominem
Give an example of a Equivocation
All dogs have tails. Tim played a dog in the school play. It follows that Tim has a tail.